Download, install, and play your favorite GOG games on Linux by relying on this nifty unofficial client Sleek 2.0.17 Organize your tasks efficiently with the help of this stylish and modern Electron-based app based on the todo.txt syntax Min 1.34.1 Enjoy a smooth and simple browsing experienc...
Ubuntu 上使用下面命令安装依赖: sudo apt install python-nautilus gir1.2-nautilus-3.0 File Manager Actions Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Files. Nautilus Git Nautilus/Nemo extension to add important information about the current git directory. code-nautilus VSCode extension...
such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, come with GNOME pre-installed. However, if you are using a distribution that does not have GNOME installed by default, you can easily install it using the package manager.
[Unit]Description=/etc/rc.local CompatibilityDocumentation=man:systemd-rc-local-generator(8)ConditionFileIsExecutable=/etc/[Service]Type=forkingExecStart=/etc/rc.local startTimeoutSec=0RemainAfterExit=yesGuessMainPID=no[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetAlias=rc-local....
ConditionFileIsExecutable=/etc/rc.local [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start TimeoutSec=0 RemainAfterExit=yes GuessMainPID=no [Install] Alias=rc-local.service 1. 2. 3.
更新之后gnome3..开机在gdm界面,登陆闪一下之后还在登陆界面。。。接续登陆也没卵用有遇到同样问题的吗。然后一怒之下上了i3,gnome3还不想卸啊,求知道的朋友赐教。。顺便问一下,i3里面 nm-applet图标怎么
sudo apt install kde-full kde-full 元软件包包含了完整的 KDE 应用程序、工具和小部件套件,提供了一个功能丰富而完整的桌面环境。kde-full 确保用户可以访问广泛的工具和应用程序,几乎涵盖了各种任务所需的功能,适用于希望获得全面沉浸式 KDE 体验的用户。
在仅仅使用了一次aptitude install之后,kubuntu-desktop多半没有装好,一定要看看状态: han@han-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-F15-FX507ZR:~$ aptitude show kubuntu-desktop Package: kubuntu-desktop Version: 1.418 State: not installed 我这里就没有装好,再次sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop,尝试一下另外的方案,直到装...
gnome-cups-manager管理打印机 gnome-default-applications-properties配置运行 gnome-desktop-item-edit不明 gnome-dictionary字典 gnome-display-properties显卡分辩率设置 gnome-doc不明,可能是文件转换 gnome-dump-metadata dump数剧 gnome-file-types-properties文件打开类型配置 gnome-font-install不明(可能是gnome字体安装...
Manage GNOME Extensions Like a Pro With Extension Manager Linux There are several utilities to manage packages on Linux, but is there a similar tool for managing GNOME extensions? The answer is yes. ByBertel King Oct 8, 2022 5 Nautilus Extensions to Enhance Your GNOME File Manager ...