expo / expo Public Notifications Fork 5.5k Star 34.1k Code Issues 422 Pull requests 243 Discussions Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Docs Website PR [docs] Update Manual instructions under install Expo modules in an existing React Native project #2890 Sign in to view logs S...
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web. - [install-expo-modules] add react-native 0.76 support (#32141) · expo/expo@5eae61b
但是当我尝试安装react native expo时,我遇到了一些错误 这是我的博览会安装npm install-g expo-cli Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.125] (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\admin>npm uninstall -g expo-cli up to date in 0.043s C:\Users\admin>npm install -g expo...
总结起来,react-native run-android是用于在Android设备或模拟器上运行React Native应用程序的命令。unimodules是一个React Native的开源库,提供了一组可重用的原生模块。installing是一个拼写错误,应该是installing。在安装unimodules库时,可能会包含未使用的expo相关的依赖项,可以通过删除这些依赖项来解决。...
expo只更新了第三个包,核心更新是expo-sdk,所以您需要等待以确保兼容性。 尝试在Next.JS项目中安装npm包时出错 react-mic依赖于React版本16,但您已经安装了React版本18。 第一种方式 您可以尝试运行以下命令 npm install --legacy-peer-deps Or npm install --force 第二种方式 您可以将React版本降级为16 npm...
MatLab 中的基础工作区是针对当前 MatLab 窗口内的脚本代码而言的(无论是命令行窗口输入的还是 M 脚本...
👋Notice:This package is not limited to native React projects, you can use it with any iOS or Xcode project using CocoaPods (like Ionic, or Flutter). 🤔 Why? All native packages (especially those installed with NPM) often need to explain the following: ...
react-native-lab This is our fork of react-native used to build Expo Go. guides In-depth tutorials for advanced topics like contributing to the client. android contains the Android project. home contains the JavaScript source code of the app. ios contains the iOS project. ios/Exponent.xcworksp...
post_integrate do |installer| begin expo_patch_react_imports!(installer) rescue => e Pod::UI.warn e end end config = use_native_modules! # Flags change depending on the env values. flags = get_default_flags() use_react_native!( :path => config[:reactNativePath], # Hermes is now ...
<Collapsible summary="Configure iOS project to bundle with Expo CLI"> Replace the shell script in the "Bundle React Native code and images" phase under the "Build Phases" tab for your target in Xcode with the following: Replace the shell script under **Build Phases** > **Bundle React Nat...