It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...
这一点主要基于我们可以选择将应用运行在 Expo 的客户端应用内,该应用能够加载远端的纯粹的 JavaScript 代码而不用进行任何的原生代码编译操作。我们可以使用 NPM 快速安装命令行工具: $ npm i -g create-react-native-app $ create-react-native-app my-project $ cd my-project $ npm start 命令行中会输出...
Expo & "Create React Native App" 这是Expo和CRNA的区别。基本上是没区别。 你说的要在xcode或者as发布app的,那是用命令react-native init ProjName创建出来的。 对于我来说还是用react-native init出来的工程来开发。可控性强很多,而且很多...
Create a new React Native app We’ll start by creating a new React Native project using Expo CLI, which enhances the developer experience with tools in the React Native ecosystem, for example, a variety of templates. Choosing one of these templates is a great starting point for the demo app...
It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...
我尝试使用 Expo 创建一个 React Native 的新项目,但出现错误,我编写了以下命令: npx create-expo-app ✔ What is your app named? … Test ✖ Something went wrong in downloading and extracting the project files: npm pack expo-template-default@latest --dry-run --json exited with non-zero ...
当我执行“npx create-expo-app App3”以创建反应本机项目时,App.js 文件不会创建,它会提供一个没有 App.js 文件的不同模板。我尝试手动创建 App.js 文件并执行它,但它不起作用,我认为 expo 应用程序没有检测到它。下面是该模板的图像: 当我执行“npx create-expo-app App3”时创建模板的文件结构 我...
Getting this weird error once I press R in the terminal or with reload in my Expo dev client app: expo start --dev-client This error is getting spammed over 26 times. It only happens when I reload. If I restart the expo terminal it all w...
react-native的手势操作,从而去看了关于View的许多文档,现在做个总结。 首先,还是要知道他的解释...