SAPQMInspectionLot的初步认识inspectionlot检验批次是由事件来触发产生的比如收货移库调拨工单确认等等都可以触发产生 SAPQMInspectionLot的初步认识 SAP QM Inspection Lot的初步认识.doc QC:Quality Control 即质量控制,包括三大块 1,来料质量控制(IQC:Incoming Quality Control) 2,制程质量控制(IPQC:InPut Process ...
SAP QM - Inspection Plan SAP QM - Quality Info Records SAP QM - Lot Inspection SAP QM - Result Recording SAP QM - Usage Decision SAP QM - Listing Inspection Lot SAP QM - In-Process Inspection SAP QM - Final Inspection SAP QM - Defects Recording SAP QM - Quality Notification SAP QM -...
Step 1:Execute the SAP tcode “QA01” in the SAP command field and enter. Step 2: In next screen, create inspection lot manually: initial screen, enter the following details. Material: Enter material number Plant: Enter plant Inspection lot origin: Enter the inspection lot origin that specif...
Test case 4:Execute QA07 with “Block batch at lot creation” and “Initial run in days” = 2: Result:An inspection lot is created because next inspection date (30.04.2015) < opening period (01.05.2015). Batch status is changed to “Restricted”. Display inspection lot in QA03: Display...
Related SAP Notes/KBAs 213505- Sample size 1 for 100% inspection 372271- Sample size 0 for inspection lot creation 1853950- Sample size displays 32,767 in transaction code QE11
This class represents the entity "A_InspectionLot" of service "API_INSPECTIONLOT_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Quality Inspection Process Integration (SAP_COM_0318). See for more informati...
When you create an inspection lot manually, you cannot reference an original document (for example, a goods receipt document, an order, or a delivery note).Procedure Choose Logistics ® Quality management ® Quality inspection ® Inspection lot processing ® Inspection lot ® Create. En...
In the SAP system, you process quality inspections on the basis of inspection lots. The data relating to a quality inspection is grouped into several entities. With this service it is possible, for example, to update inspection lot header data or to create inspection results and usage decisions...
Inspection Lot Origin (Types) for Various Material Movement Types former_member204463 Active Contributor 2013 Nov 05 8:26 AM 16 Kudos 33,632 SAP Managed Tags: PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), PLM Quality Management (QM) This Blog gives the various Inspection Types applicable for ...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) Hello everybody: In QA32 user can do UD operation in "Characteristics" tabs and do Posting operation in "Inspection lot stock" tabs. phase 1: I use QEVA0010 enhancement to check UD in "Characteristics" tabs and it works. phase 2: I nee...