Inspection lot in SAP helps to inspect the goods, record the inspection results, records defects of goods and complete the inspection process with a usage decision. To inspect a material or equipment, inspection lot must be created in SAP QM. Inspection lots in SAP QM can be maintained automat...
In case of multiple inspection types assigned to the Material from same Inspection Lot Origin, then the system chooses an active inspection type during inspection lot creation based on the following order: The inspection type is determined using a special rule. It can be determined, for example,...
Choose Logistics ® Quality management ® Quality inspection ® Inspection lot processing ® Inspection lot ® Create. Enter the material, plant, and inspection lot origin and then choose Enter. For inspection lot origins 03 (inspection during production) and 04 (goods receipt from produc...
In the SAP system, you process quality inspections on the basis of inspection lots. The data relating to a quality inspection is grouped into several entities. With this service it is possible, for example, to update inspection lot header data or to create inspection results and usage decisions...
<Inspection lot creation test when batch status is active> Test case 1: Execute QA07 with “Lot creation only” and “Initial run in days” = 0: Test case 2: Execute QA07 with “Lot creation only” and “Initial run in days” = 2: ...
This wiki aims at covering the key configuration setting required with master data to be maintained in order to copy the results from previous Inspection lot in Quality Management module of SAP R/3. Index Configuration settings for Copy of Inspection results ...
Hi Gurus, For a Goods receipt for Production Order, Inspection lot was created, but the status of this lot is CRTD PASG SPRQ. In the inspection specification of this
Dear all We have an issue with QA07: it does not seem to create recurring inspection lots for batches which have already expired. I've actually always been under the
Early inspection lot generation on release of Production order thorugh 1704 inspection type in S/4 HANA 1809 former_member651353 Participant 2020 Jul 16 3:21 AM 10 Kudos 15,214 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) Purpose: The Purpose ...
Check if there are inspection points / partial lots in next lot and populate the results to each partial lot. 2. Make the picking process uniform. Ask users to use batch split always, even if there's only one batch in some cases. If all the lots have partial lot, then the existing ...