死胖子恢复训练第94天,insanity第34天 core cardio balance 终于恢复训练了。七宗罪中,饕餮是一种罪行,果然不错。上周四晚上,偷吃了两块小豆腐,结果果然痛风发作了,即使上半年检查尿酸只有290。持续痛了一周,就在左脚后跟往上一点,跟腱的位置,和左脚大趾头根部往下一厘米的位置,像是埋了一个不断膨胀的气球,也像...
• Cardio & Max Recovery – An easier workout so you can rest. • Pure Cardio & Abs – The beginning of the harder, more intense workouts. • Cardio Abs – The ultimate strength-building workout for your core. • Core Cardio & Balance – Second lighter workout to give you a b...
#Insanity# 恢复训练,Core Cardio Balance。汗如雨下,累成狗。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 白水法院 02月02日 19:10 #爱心守望 众志成城##让世界充满爱MV#“战疫”MV《让世界充满爱》...
focusing on form which all by itself promotes agility, speed, power… The cardio part is due to the repetition, but it is not cardio alone as every exercise focuses both on cardio and some other aspect like agility, power, strength.Most of the exercises you will recognize ...
The majority of the strength training in Insanity is based around push-ups and squats, along with a lot of core work. This will lead to your chest, triceps, legs and abs becoming stronger than ever before. Expect to build up some serious cardio strength and endurance: ...
On Thursdays however, you have a cardio recovery day, where Shawn T is taking it easy on you. Then, instead of the usual cardio workouts, you are doing more stretches, and some balance exercises.The hard thing here is that you will also do some strength exercises, and you will do them...
insanity 02增强式有氧循环神经质训练法招人翻译 02 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit INSANITY 增强式有氧循环神经质训练法 http://www.tudou.com/listp...
死胖子恢复训练第94天,insanity第34天 core cardio balance 终于恢复训练了。七宗罪中,饕餮是一种罪行,果然不错。上周四晚上,偷吃了两块小豆腐,结果果然痛风发作了,即使上半年检查尿酸只有290。持续痛了一周,就在左脚后跟往上一点,跟腱的位置,和左脚大趾头根部往下一厘米的位置,像是埋了一个不断膨胀的气球,也像...