Bitmap Capability Set (TS_BITMAP_CAPABILITYSET) Order Capability Set (TS_ORDER_CAPABILITYSET) Bitmap Cache Capability Set Pointer Capability Set (TS_POINTER_CAPABILITYSET) Input Capability Set (TS_INPUT_CAPABILITYSET) ...
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Set-top box, video recorder or television with speech recognition capability, whereby spoken commands or input are recorded locally and transmitted over a network to a central speech recognition processing unitdoi:DE10340580 A1Electronic unit, especially a set-top box, video recorder or TV has a ...
KLIMEK WINFRIED MBUETTNER MANFREDFISCHER FRANKMAINKA LARSDEDE10340580A1 2003年9月1日 2005年3月24日 Büttner, Manfred Set-top box, video recorder or television with speech recognition capability, whereby spoken commands or input are recorded locally and transmitted over a network to a central speech...