InputsandOutput devices...精品文档 Keyboard Thecommonestwaytoenterdataintoacomputer.Eachkeyissimplyaswitch,whichwhenpressed,resultsinadigitalcodebeingsenttothecomputer.精品文档 Mouse Themovementofthemouseoveraflatsurfaceismirroredbyapointeronthemonitorscreen.Underthemouseisaballwhichrollsandturnstwoshafts,onefor...
Input Devices An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions onto a computer. Six Widely used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera and PC video camera. Output Devices An output device is any hardware component that ...
Input and Output devices in a Computer Input Devices An input device is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An input device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for processing, display, storage and/or transmission. Two main types ...
输入和输出设备inputandoutputdevices.docx,(六)审俞入和(Input and Output Devices) 翰入(Input Devices) 输入是向fSKBAtttt及指令的硬件,数at及指令可途彳至入 翰入媒n CPU 直接翰入 k ( Keyboard) 是最普遍使用的输入ISfil,特别通宜输入 文字 数字 。 数字mi (Numeric K
输入输出设备(inputoutput device)简称io.ppt,第6章 输入、输出设备与技术 输入/输出设备(Input/Output Device)简称I/O设备,是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是计算机与外部世界进行信息交换的中介,是人与计算机联系的桥梁。 根据外部设备的功能,可将外部设备分为输入
8、ver,SCSI device contrlr,.,mouse device contrlr,keyboard device contrlr,PCI bus device contrlr,floppy device contrlr,ATAPI device contrlr,SCSI device,.,mouse,keyboard,PCI bus,floppy drive,ATAPI devices,Software I/O Techniques,Polling (programmed I/O) send command and wait Interrupt Driven ...
. . mouse keyboard PCI bus floppy drive ATAPI devices Software I/O Techniques Polling (programmed I/O) send command and wait Interrupt Driven I/O send command and continue Direct Memory Access (DMA) Use separate processor to manage I/O cs431-cotter * Polling CPU determines state of I/O ...
输入输出设备(InputOutput Device)简称IO 第6章输入、输出设备与技术 输入/输出设备(Input/OutputDevice)简称I/O设备,是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是计算机与外部世界进行信息交换的中介,是人与计算机联系的桥梁。根据外部设备的功能,可将外部设备分为输入设备和输出设备。键盘和鼠标等是常见的输入设备。显示器...
第十四讲Input--Interaction-&-OutputPPT课件 Input,Interaction&Output .1 theRoleofInputinSLA Thoughalmostalltheoriesagreethatinputisnecessaryinacquisition,theydifferintheattitudetowardstheimportanceofit..2 theRoleofInputinSLA Behaviouristviewoftheroleofinput•Behaviouristholdsthatimitation(and reinforcement)of...