Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module> x,y = input("请输入x,y值:") ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 实际上我们并不会这样做。一般来说,我们会结合split()和map()函数得到多变量的值。 >>> m= input(...
字典的 dict.keys()、dict.values() 方法在python2中返回的是一个列表,python3中返回的是一个类似迭代器的"view" 对象。 python2: >>> d = {"name":"zhangsan","age":88} >>> d.keys() ['age', 'name'] >>> d.values() [88, 'zhangsan'] >>> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. python3: >>...
values.append(user_input) print("你输入的值列表是:", values) # 请输入一个值(输入'done'结束):1024 # 请输入一个值(输入'done'结束):done # 你输入的值列表是: ['1024'] # 循环输入直到输入有效选项 # 循环输入,直到用户输入有效选项(例如1、2或3) while True: user_input = input("请选择以下...
# 分割字符串输入 string_values = input("Enter several words separated by spaces: ").split() print("Words entered:", string_values) # 分割后转换为整数(涉及循环,可跳过) integer_values = [int(i) for i in input("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ").split()] print("Integers entered:"...
#python有6个字符,它的索引从0开始,最大为5#正向数字索引one_str ="python"print(one_str[5])#结果为:n#反向数字索引print(one_str[-3])#结果为:h#切片操作,只能取到结束索引的前一位print(one_str[2:4])#结果为:th 3、字符串的切片
Help on built-in function sin in module math: sin(...) sin(x) Return the sine of x (measured in radians). >>> >>> print(print.__doc__) print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. ...
A better way to write this would to return the inputs from the previous function and pass them into the write() function and compute the values inside of a formatted f-string: def inches_to_meters(inches): return inches * 2.54e-2 def inches_to_centimeters(inches): return inches_to_mete...
In the resultwindow, we have two tabs plugin graph(to generate plugins) and user interface tab. when we load the code, the plugins will generate based on how many time we generate. The plugins are with Input1, Input2 and output buttons. The main functionality is : when we...
{task_name}_bold.nii.gz'}# Create SelectFiles nodesf=Node(SelectFiles(templates),name='selectfiles')# Location of the dataset foldersf.inputs.base_directory='E:\\ds114_R2.0.0'# Feed {}-based placeholder strings with valuessf.inputs.subject_id='0[1,2]'sf.inputs.ses_name="test"sf...