关于Python 生成一个递进结果的代码 需要2个input numbers ,使这两个数字不断接近。知道两个数字取相同值。(无论第一个数字大于第二个数字 ,还是第二
关于Python 生成一个递进结果的代码需要2个input numbers ,使这两个数字不断接近。知道两个数字取相同值。(无论第一个数字大于第二个数字 ,还是第二个数字大于第一个数字,都要可以运
02、数据类型:Numbers(数字类型:int(整数型)、float(浮点数)、complex(复数:实数+虚数 5+2j)、布尔值(true、false)) 03、String(字符串):单引号('')双引号("")三引号("""),三引号与其他引号联用时,加空格断开 04、列表[1]:标识符[],逗号区分,索引 正向序号0~n,反向序号-1~-n,可以嵌套 05、元组...
importmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# 初始化一个空列表numbers=[]# 抓取用户输入whileTrue:user_input=input("请输入一个数字(输入‘q’退出):")ifuser_input.lower()=='q':breaktry:number=float(user_input)# 如果是数字,转换为floatnumbers.append(number)# 存储到列表中exceptValueError:print("请输入有效的数字!
0 How do I check for integer and range at the same time in python? 1 Looking to check if part of a user input can be in a range of integers 5 How do I make something print if the input is a number is between 2 different numbers? 0 Constructing a While loop in a fun...
split() print("Words entered:", string_values) # 分割后转换为整数(涉及循环,可跳过) integer_values = [int(i) for i in input("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ").split()] print("Integers entered:", integer_values) 在这里,当用户输入多个用空格分隔的单词后,split() 函数将这些单词分割成...
numbers=[] n=int(input("请输入数字个数:")) foriinrange(n): num=float(input("请输入第"+str(i+1)+"个数字:")) numbers.append(num) print("您输入的数字列表为:"+str(numbers)) 上述代码中,首先获取用户输入的数字个数n,然后使用for循环多次获取用户输入的数字,并将其添加到列表numbers中。最后...
Since Python 3, input returns a string which you have to explicitly convert to int, like this x = int(input("Enter a number: ")) y = int(input("Enter a number: ")) You can accept numbers of any base like this >>> data = int(input("Enter a number: "), 8) Enter a number...
Enter any number: 123 value of val1: 123 type of val1: <class 'str'> Enter any number: 456 value of val2: 456 type of val2: <class 'int'> Example to input two integer numbers and find their sum and average# python code to read two integer numbers # and find their addition, ...
Multiplying two 32 bit numbers requires two steps: the mul instruction produces the 32 bit low order word result. The mulh(u) insruction produces the 32 bit high order word result. The u suffix is used for unsigned multiplication. 32 bit division uses the div instruction while the rem inst...