如果lib中没有X6尺寸的cell,则替换成X4的,没有X4则替换成X3的,没有X3则替换成X2的。 set clocks [get_clocks clk] set sources [get_attribute $clock sources] set pins [add_to_collection "" ""] set pins [add_to_collection -uniq $pins $sources] foreach_in_collection pin $pins { set cell...
用get_property会比较复杂,因为它不支持filter(可以借用filter_collection但是也很不方便,很难一条命令搞定),它也不支持在对象是clocks的情况下指定-view [DEV]innovus 736> get_property [get_clocks vclk1] period 7.000 6.500 [DEV]innovus 737> get_property [get_clocks vclk1] period -view dtmf_view_setu...
确保时钟选择信号(test_mode)的路径满足建立/保持时间: set_false_path -from [get_ports test_mode] -to [get_clocks func_clk] set_false_path -from [get_ports test_mode] -to [get_clocks scan_clk] 5. 最终验证 (a) 时钟树报告 report_ccopt -analysis_view func_view report_ccopt -analysis_v...
innovus工具get_clocks命令报出来的时钟会重复,因为工具报的是2个analysis view下的clock name,如下图: 方法2:get_db clocks。innovus工具get_db clocks命令报出来的时钟也会重复,重复的原因也是有两个analysis_view,如下图: 解决办法:可以指定一个view来报clock,方法如下: 参见知识星球。 在PR走线时,我们需要指...
create_generated_clock -name clks -source [get_ports CLK_FAST] -divide_by 32 [get_pins generate_ic_clocks/CLK_SLOW_reg/Q] Innovus gave me these errors when I do placeDesign: **ERROR: (TA-152): A latency path from the 'Rise' edge of the master ...
All the optimization decisions are based on true propagated clocks and account for clock gates, inter-clock paths, and on-chip variation (OCV) derates. A new FlexH feature in the implementation system provides a structure that is topologically as close to an H-tree as possible, with ...
for the full Innovus flow with timing reports, clocks inserted, power reduction and final detailed execution was: - now 3 days with Innovus - used to take us 7 days with Encounter. We got this full flow speed up, even when using Synopsys Primetime. ...
solution.They do placement and clocks in ICC2 and then do a massive round of optimization in ICC to finish the flow. All routing and post-route optimization is still done in ICC. This ICC2+ICC workaround flow slows down runtime by 3X to 4X, but its QOR is ...
get_db [current_design] .nets 然而,get_db 命令主要用于查询数据库对象的属性,而不是设置属性。要设置数据库对象的属性,你可能需要使用其他命令,如 set_db。 回到我们的MCU项目后端部分:我们的MCU有12个时钟。如何报告出时钟呢? 方法1:get_clocks。innovus工具get_clocks命令报出来的时钟会重复,因为工具报的是...
The Innovus Implementation System features a next-generation clock concurrent optimization engine with true multithreading, enhanced useful skew, and flow integration. The engine merges physical optimization with clock-tree synthesis (CTS), simultaneously building clocks and optimizing logic delays based direc...