setPlaceMode -place_detail_preroute_as_obs {3 4} 9.开启early clock flow 开启ECF时,需要CTS的常见设置,例如ndr、clock cell等等。开启ECF可以在place阶段知晓clock cell的位置,缓解congestion并保持和CTS更一致的timing。 setLimitedAccessFeature innovusEarlyClockFlow 1 setDesignMode -earlyClockFlow true 10....
早期时钟树综合功能(Early Clock Flow,ECF)是在placement阶段调用时钟树协同优化(Clock Concurrent Optimization,CCOPT)引擎创建时钟树块并在placement阶段自动优化时序时反标更准确的时钟延时[2]。这种方法能够规避由于placement看不到之后的CTS信息,导致物理上时钟树缓冲器及时钟绕线资源被占用,性能上影响CTS结果的弊端,使...
8. setPlaceMode的一些常见设置 9. 开启early clock flow 开启ECF时,需要CTS的常见设置,例如ndr、clock cell等等。开启ECF可以在place阶段知晓clock cell的位置,缓解congestion并保持和CTS更一致的timing。10. 开启useful skew 11. 给port插入buffer并添加cell padding 因为不知道外面的cell离port有多远...
本lab是用了innovus自带的Early Rail Analysis,但实际项目中不会用这个来做,所以这部分内容建议大家直接跳过。 业界ir drop 分析工具大部分都是用redhawk来做的。利用redhawk来做ir drop的内容属于进阶内容。咱们社区低功耗四核A7 Top Hierarchical Flow后端实现训练营课程中就有系统讲解。 ###END OF LAB7-1...
Based on the well-established NanoRoute™ engine, next-generation slack and power-driven routing with track-aware timing optimization addresses signal integrity early on and improves post-route correlation. The Innovus system includes full-flow multi-objective technology, which makes concurrent el...
CTS in the Innovus flow – Useful skew controls – Early clock flow (ECF) 上传者:qq_36502641时间:2023-06-27 学习 零基础 edi / Innovus lab 上传者:qq_36502641时间:2023-05-09 Innovus机器学习在高性能CPU设计中的应用.pdf Innovus机器学习在高性能CPU设计中的应用.pdf ...
Analyzing Route Feasibility with Early Global Router Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Analysis Extracting Parasitics and Running Timing Analysis Power, Performance, and Area Optimization Implementing the Clock Tree Detail Routing for Signal Integrity, Timing, Power and Design for Yield ...
(also known as IR-Aware Full Flow) that enables the interaction between the place and Route implementation and IR drop analysis signoff steps. This approach pulls the potential power signoff issues ahead into the design implementation stage, thereby allowing early feedback, avoidin...
CCMPR02082146 18.14: place_opt_design with early clock flow SEGV CCMPR02082039 19.11 crash during ccopt_design -check_prerequisites CCMPR02081781 Tool crashes during oaIn CCMPR02081636 place_opt_design crash in optDesign phase CCMPR02081585 18.1/19.1 scanTrace after place_opt_design gives warn of IMP...
This is the "heavy lifting" optimized placement part done early in the PnR flow. The placement must be done right for your design to work and Cadence is investing lots of R&D there. One example is that you used to be able to abut all the cells in the ...