INNIO Jenbacher’s hydrogen-to-power solution is leading the transition to green power on a global scale. Our technology converts stored green hydrogen – created using surplus green power from a wind farm – to power and heat. Storability is what makes this solution possible. In Patagonia, ...
INNIO Jenbacher’s hydrogen-to-power solution is leading the transition to green power on a global scale. Our technology converts stored green hydrogen – created using surplus green power from a wind farm – to power and heat. Storability is what makes this solution possible. In Patagonia, ...
INNIO 是一家领先的能源解决方案及服务供应商,致力于推动工业和社区实现可持续能源。凭借旗下的两大品牌颜巴赫(Jenbacher)和瓦克夏(Waukesha)的产品以及数字平台myPlant,INNIO 为发电和压缩领域提供创新的解决方案,帮助工业和社区可持续地生产和管理能源,并引领传统能源向绿色能源的快速转型。INNIO 的业务遍布全球,凭借...
INNIO Jenbacher’s hydrogen-to-power solution is leading the transition to green power on a global scale. Our technology converts stored green hydrogen – created using surplus green power from a wind farm – to power and heat. Storability is what makes this solution possible. In Patagonia, ...
Long service intervals, maintenance-friendly engine design and low fuel consumption ensure maximum efficiency in Jenbacher type 3 engines. Optimized engine components prolonging service, life even when using non-pipeline gases such as landfill gas. The Type-3 stands out in its 499 to 1,067 kWe ...
MyPlant The cloud-based myPlant* platform allows for a new level of insight into the performance of your Jenbacher gas engine and balance of plant. You can view operational data in real-time and access historical data, which is stored indefinitely. Historical data can be plotted and analysed ...
INNIO今天宣布推出新一代颜巴赫3F型(Jenbacher Type 3F)发动机。此举是INNIO承诺的一部分,旨在通过灵活、可扩展和弹性的能源解决方案与服务推动向零排放的过渡。实践证明,改进后的全新颜巴赫3F型发动机能够为客户带来经过验证的稳健性和可靠性,效率提升高达两个百分点,在该发动机系列里首屈一指。除了在使用管道燃气时提供...
Information of Innio Jenbacher & Waukesha innio is one of the leading providers of solutions for gas engines, power equipment, digital platform and services in the field of power generation and gas compression. a wide range of reliable, economical and durable jenbacher and waukesha industrial gas ...