INNIO Jenbacher’s hydrogen-to-power solution is leading the transition to green power on a global scale. Our technology converts stored green hydrogen – created using surplus green power from a wind farm – to power and heat. Storability is what makes this solution possible. In Patagonia, ...
INNIO Group’s portfolio uses renewable energy sources, innovative engineering, and technology to seize the opportunities of the energy transition. Jenbacher provides hydrogen-ready power generation to businesses and industries striving for a greener future. ...
申请人名称(英文)INNIO JENBACHER GMBH & CO OG 申请地址(英文)ACHENSEESTRASSE 1-3, 6200 JENBACH, AUSTRIA 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构北京铸成联合知识产权代理有限公司 商标流程信息 2022-04-26驳回复审---等待打印注册证 2022-03-27商标注册申请---注册公告 2021-12-27商标注册申请---初审公告 2021-...
*您的姓氏: *您的名字: *电子邮件: *国家或地区: 联系我们 奥地利 INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG 地址:6200 Jenbach, Tyrol, Austria 电话:+43 5244 600 中国颜瓦(上海)发动机有限公司 地址:中国 上海 浦东 申江路 5005弄,星创科技广场 2号楼10层1005 电话:+86 150 2188 6424 电子邮件
Visit for further information * Indicates a trademark Novedades Historial de actualizaciones 29 jun 2023 Versión 4.0 Stability improvements and Bugfixes Privacidad de la app MEDIASQUAD Medienentwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH, que desarrolló esta app, indicó que entre...
Visit for further information * Indicates a trademark Novedades Historial de actualizaciones 29 jun 2023 Versión 4.0 Stability improvements and Bugfixes Privacidad de la app MEDIASQUAD Medienentwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH, que desarrolló esta app, indicó que entre...
Innio Jenbacher Gmbh & Co Og公司的提单样本 提单号 SSLLSJU204752 到港日: 2025-02-23 产品 运输 公司 集装箱号: FANU3323976 × 货物#1 描述ON 1 PALLET COMPENSATOR HS CODE 83071030 AMS REF SJU204752 SCAC SSLL 关键词 compensator 海关编码 HS CODE 8307 1030 件数1 长度数据不可用 高度数...
MEDIASQUAD Medienentwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH Designed for iPad 5.0 • 2 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description INNIO’s Learning Experiences help you to understand the fundamental principles of how our gas engines power the world in a fun and engaging way. How does a Jenbacher* ...