既然两个表在逻辑上通过 airln 字段可以关联,建议使用以下 inner join: Select a~airln a~lnnam b~fligh b~cntry into table int_airdet From zairln as a inner join zflight as b on a~airln = b~airln. 这样就可以根据选择条件来限制数据,以上inner join还可以增加 where 条件来进一步限制选择条件。
FDA 从 SAP ABAP 内核 7.42 版本引入,对于一般的 ABAP 开发人员来说是透明的,仅仅能够在 ST05 Execution 里观察到。 上图的执行计划里,我们在 SELECT 语句里只访问了来自 sflight 表的 carrid 和 connid 两个字段,但是从执行计划的蓝色区域能观察到,sflight 和 spfli 的数据库表 INNER JOIN 仍然发生了。 ...
Below ABAP Syntax is ABAP Inner Join example. START-OF-SELECTION. * ASSUMPTION: All quantities are in sales units. Since quantities * are summed to the material group level, it is assumed that all * materials within a material group have the same sales unit of * measure. select a~kunag ...
1.1 内连接 ( INNER JOIN )内连接是最常见的一种连接,它也被称为普通连接 返回结果: 1.2 左外连接 (LEFT OUTER JOIN) 返回结果: 1.3 右外连接 ( RIGHT JOIN ) 返回结果: 以上。
SAPABAPINNERJOIN多个表详解及代码 inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行 left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录 right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录 INNER JOIN 语法: INNER JOIN 连接两个数据表的用法: SELECT * FROM...
an inner join or an outer join. With an inner join, you get only the records of the cross-product for which there is an entry in all tables used in the view. With an outer join, the system also selects records for which there is no entry in some of the tables used in the view...
FDA 从 SAP ABAP 内核 7.42 版本引入,对于一般的 ABAP 开发人员来说是透明的,仅仅能够在 ST05 Execution 里观察到。 上图的执行计划里,我们在 SELECT 语句里只访问了来自 sflight 表的 carrid 和 connid 两个字段,但是从执行计划的蓝色区域能观察到,sflight 和 spfli 的数据库表 INNER JOIN 仍然发生了。
0 Kudos 235 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi i am new to sap , i dont no about inner join in abap coding plz send me some notes or coding. thank u. your regrads divya.Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Jul 25 8:45 AM 0 Kudos 137 SAP Managed Tags: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Unfortunately none of the above answers are correct. I want to put up a more general question then. Say you have 3 tables where table 1 > 2 > 3 meaning 1 has more rows than 2, 2 have more rows than 3. Now, left join table 1 and 2 and inner...
FDA 从 SAP ABAP 内核 7.42 版本引入,对于一般的 ABAP 开发人员来说是透明的,仅仅能够在 ST05 Execution 里观察到。 上图的执行计划里,我们在 SELECT 语句里只访问了来自 sflight 表的 carrid 和 connid 两个字段,但是从执行计划的蓝色区域能观察到,sflight 和 spfli 的数据库表 INNER JOIN 仍然发生了。