每个ABAP语句必须以关键字开头,以句号结尾,关键字之间必须有至少一个空格分开。 程序名称要以Z开头,Z保证你的报告驻留在客户命名空间中。 客户命名空间包括所有前缀为Y和Z的对象,ABAP的对象名称不区分大小写,小写会自动改为大写。 注释:通过在行的第一个位置放置星号(*)来指示全行注释,在这种情况下,整个行被系统...
大家也知道,SAP这东西,应用服务器可以扩展为多个,但数据库服务器只有一个,所以必须少消耗DB资源。 据boss说,一般多对多或关联很多表(例如3个以上)时就不用inner join(前者是因为难搞清关系,不太清晰),应改成for all entries in。 header-item或多对一关系就可以inner join(即另一张表的where语句上所有的key...
Below ABAP Syntax is ABAP Inner Join example. START-OF-SELECTION. * ASSUMPTION: All quantities are in sales units. Since quantities * are summed to the material group level, it is assumed that all * materials within a material group have the same sales unit of * measure. select a~kunag ...
inner join 前提是两个表有相同的Key可作为关联,比如 EKKO&EKPO ->EKKO INNER JOIN EKPO ON EKKO~EBELN = EKPO~EBELN.另外:BKPF&BSEG虽然有共同的Key,但是SAP不允许用Inner Join去读取它们,可能是考虑到这两个表太大了吧。当两个表不能用Inner Join的时候,用 for all entries in T_TEMP:1...
尽量少用INNER JOIN,可以分条件嵌套查询,使用FOR ALL ENTRIES IN,RANGES等技术都可以,尽量用上个查询的结果放入内表,内表做下个查询的条件嵌套查询效率会高点。
SAP ABAP Inner Join(Joins) Below ABAP Syntax is ABAP Inner Join example. START-OF-SELECTION. * ASSUMPTION: All quantities are in sales units. Since quantities * are summed to the material group level, it is assumed that all * materials within a material group have the same sales unit of...
0 Kudos 219 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi i am new to sap , i dont no about inner join in abap coding plz send me some notes or coding. thank u. your regrads divya.Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Jul 25 8:45 AM 0 Kudos 121 SAP Managed Tags: ...
Database views implement an inner join. The database view provides only those records for which there is an entry in all the tables used in the view. Help views and maintenance views implement an outer join. You can see an example of an inner and outer join in the following figure....
abap中查询多个表的数据 我用什么SQL语句速度最快。 (用INNER JOIN 还是 用别的 请高手解答) 未解决问题 等待您来回答 奇虎360旗下最大互动问答社区
AND zpo_create_his~matnr IN s_matnr AND vbap~kdmat IN s_kdmat. 取数据如上但取出来的数据有重复的 请求帮忙!万分感激! Loktar_希 江湖少侠 6 刚学SAP还不是太明白。但是总觉得如果有重复数据应该先看表关系是否定义对了。顺便。如果DISTINCT在ABAP里面可用那么我觉得你是不是看错了什么。 尝试grou...