The following compiler configuration file entries affect the behavior of theINITIALIZEstatement. SeeCompiler and Runtime Reference Manualfor complete details. initialize-to-value:[yes/no] initialize-fd:[yes/no] initialize-filler:[yes/no initialize-pointer:[yes/no] ...
INITIALIZE TABLE-ONE REPLACING NUMERIC DATA BY 3. To move the character 'X' into each of the elementary alphanumeric data items inTABLE-ONE, you can code the following statement: INITIALIZE TABLE-ONE REPLACING ALPHANUMERIC DATA BY "X". When you use theINITIALIZEstatement to initialize a table...
INITIALIZE 陳述式將選取的資料欄位種類設為預定值。 INITIALIZE 陳述式在功能上相當於一或多個 MOVE 陳述式。 格式 INITIALIZEidentifier-1WITHFILLERALL種類名稱TOVALUETHENREPLACING種類名稱DATABYidentifier-2literal-1THENTODEFAULT 其中category-name是: 英文字母 ...