st.init_gid()#okst.init_ref_codes() 开发者ID:,项目名称:,代码行数:51, # 需要导入模块: from enroll.models import Student [as 别名]# 或者: from enroll.models.Student importinit_reg[as 别名]defimport_student2(course,row)'import student2 data=%s'%(row)...
ret = s5m8767_rtc_init_reg(info); if (ret) return ret;device_init_wakeup(&pdev->dev, 1);0 comments on commit 3be95d2 Please sign in to comment. Footer © 2024 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact Manage cookies Do not share my personal ...
在Chisel 3中,RegInit指的是带有重置的寄存器。有实验支持将异步重置线作为“初始”行来处理,但我想...
But when those errors pop up, the videos both play fine. It is at some point, when the rk_vcodec: reg_init:1248: error: translate reg address failed, dumping regs error happens, one of the videos would choke, while the other video still plays fine. Then when it's time for the othe...
Reginit.ini文件,并进一步压缩成为default.ftf.但是在解析过程中,两者的具体合成过程却不尽相同.(1)合成bib文件fmerge –bib命令就是合成bib的,它会依次提取下列文件中的项到ce.bib文件中:config.bibcommon.bibdcom.bibgdiex.bibie.bibscript.bibservers.bibshellsdk.bibshell.bibwceshellfe.bibwceappsfe.bib...
verification _ assume _ reg _ initModes, Enabled Shell
分析下面程序实现什么功能? #include ”reg51.h” #include ”stdio。h" void init_ser() { SCON = 0x50; /*SCON:工作模式1,8-bit UART,允许接收*/ TMOD |= 0x20; /*TMOD:定时器T1,工作模式2, 8位自动重载方式*/ TH1 = 0xf3; /*当波特率为2400时,定时器初值*/...
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\CORNPlayerW.x64\CORNPlayer-RegInit.x64.exe + 文件描述 RegInit + 版本 + 产品名称 RegInit + 描述 空值 + 公司名称 Bluebrick + 版权 Copyright (c) 2017 Bluebrick Corporation + 文件MD5 dbf30a1cc4ccc9b8435ab711b624aa6f ...
register __regvar __noinit__ unsigned char saved_TWDR @ 13;并且@这个变量的绝对定位还没有解决...
方法名:<init> RegExp.<init>介绍 [英]Constructs new RegExp from a string. Same as RegExp(s, ALL).[中]从字符串构造新的RegExp。与RegExp(s, ALL)相同。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: com.hermit-reasoner/org.semanticweb.hermit public static boolean isValidPattern(String pattern) { try { ...