后来看到了内存池初始化函数,查了一下资料init_mempool()函数申请的内存空间专为calloc,free, malloc, and realloc函数使用。见下方红字。 init_mempool Summary: #include <stdlib.h> void init_mempool ( void xdata *p, /* start of memory pool */ unsigned int size); /* length of memory pool */ D...
在许多编程语言中,mempool 是指用于管理内存分配和释放的数据结构。init_mempool 函数的作用就是初始化这个内存池,为后续的内存分配操作做准备。 功能 init_mempool 函数具有以下功能: •分配内存空间:根据预设的配置,init_mempool 函数会为内存池分配一块足够大的连续内存空间。 •初始化内存管理结构:init_mempool...
I am expecting that, all the above data to be put from the locations 0x05(in xdata) onwards. But, I found that "ptr1" points to 0x00(in xdata), and "ptr" points to 0x09(in xdata). So, what is the role of "init_mempool" function here? Why does "malloc" allocate memory from...
undefined reference to `init_mempoolQiang Cheng over 19 years ago i am using Keil uVision3 + ADUC7026, i am trying to allocate #include <ADuC7026.h> #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" unsigned char memory_pool[0x400]; int main (void) { int *i; init_mempool (memory_pool, ...