后来看到了内存池初始化函数,查了一下资料init_mempool()函数申请的内存空间专为calloc,free, malloc, and realloc函数使用。见下方红字。 init_mempool Summary: #include <stdlib.h> void init_mempool ( void xdata *p, /* start of memory pool */ unsigned int size); /* length of memory pool */ D...
init_mempool 函数的作用就是初始化这个内存池,为后续的内存分配操作做准备。 功能 init_mempool 函数具有以下功能: •分配内存空间:根据预设的配置,init_mempool 函数会为内存池分配一块足够大的连续内存空间。 •初始化内存管理结构:init_mempool 函数会设置内存池的头部,记录内存池中各个内存块的状态和使用情况...
I am expecting that, all the above data to be put from the locations 0x05(in xdata) onwards. But, I found that "ptr1" points to 0x00(in xdata), and "ptr" points to 0x09(in xdata). So, what is the role of "init_mempool" function here? Why does "malloc" allocate memory from...
init_mempool (memory_pool, sizeof(memory_pool)); i = malloc(sizeof(int)); } warning: implicit declaration of function 'init_mempool' ... error: undefined reference to 'init_mempool' can someone help me ,why can't find init_mempool? "Do not use Standart Libriries" is uncheckt. and...
voidLOS_MemInit(void){// 初始化内存池的数据结构MemPool pool;pool.blocks=malloc(sizeof(MemBlock)*numBlocks);pool.numBlocks=numBlocks;// TODO: 对内存块进行初始化,包括起始地址和大小的赋值// ...// 将内存池设置为全局变量,以便其他函数可以访问gMemPool=pool;} ...
本期我们将继续深入浅出思科vpp24.02系列专题,介绍VPP的buffer模块的初始化的函数的业务逻辑介绍。 02=vlib_buffer_main_init函数介绍 在往期的内容中,我们介绍了思科VPP软件对日志功能的初始化的函数vlib_buffer_main_init()的业务逻辑介绍,其在vlib_main()中备调用的。
CUDACHECK(cudaMemPoolDestroy(comm->memPool));delete[] comm->userRedOps;free(comm->connectSend); free(comm->connectRecv);free(comm->peerInfo); if (comm->topo) ncclTopoFree(comm->topo); if (comm->nodeRanks) { for (int n=0; n<comm->nNodes; n++) free(comm->nodeRanks[n].local...
Tailq 1: qname:<RTE_MEMPOOL>, tqh_first:0x11fff2d280, tqh_last:0x11fff2d280 Tailq 2: qname:<RTE_MBUF_DYNFIELD>, tqh_first:(nil), tqh_last:0x1000044e8 Tailq 3: qname:<RTE_MBUF_DYNFLAG>, tqh_first:(nil), tqh_last:0x100004518 ...
Verify that you have installed the correct driver for your network interface card (NIC). Also, check if your NIC supports DPDK and whether it is configured correctly. Try increasing the number of mbufs allocated by changing the values inrte_mempool_create()orrte_pktmbuf_pool_init(). For ex...