后来看到了内存池初始化函数,查了一下资料init_mempool()函数申请的内存空间专为calloc,free, malloc, and realloc函数使用。见下方红字。 init_mempool Summary: #include <stdlib.h> void init_mempool ( void xdata *p, /* start of memory pool */ unsigned int size); /* length of memory pool */ D...
init_mempool 函数的作用就是初始化这个内存池,为后续的内存分配操作做准备。 功能 init_mempool 函数具有以下功能: •分配内存空间:根据预设的配置,init_mempool 函数会为内存池分配一块足够大的连续内存空间。 •初始化内存管理结构:init_mempool 函数会设置内存池的头部,记录内存池中各个内存块的状态和使用情况...
I am expecting that, all the above data to be put from the locations 0x05(in xdata) onwards. But, I found that "ptr1" points to 0x00(in xdata), and "ptr" points to 0x09(in xdata). So, what is the role of "init_mempool" function here? Why does "malloc" allocate memory from...
init_mempool (memory_pool, sizeof(memory_pool)); i = malloc(sizeof(int)); } warning: implicit declaration of function 'init_mempool' ... error: undefined reference to 'init_mempool' can someone help me ,why can't find init_mempool? "Do not use Standart Libriries" is uncheckt. and...
voidLOS_MemInit(void){// 初始化内存池的数据结构MemPool pool;pool.blocks=malloc(sizeof(MemBlock)*numBlocks);pool.numBlocks=numBlocks;// TODO: 对内存块进行初始化,包括起始地址和大小的赋值// ...// 将内存池设置为全局变量,以便其他函数可以访问gMemPool=pool;} ...
class CMemPool { private: //The purpose of the structure`s definition is that we can operate linkedlist conveniently struct _Unit //The type of the node of linkedlist. { struct _Unit *pPrev, *pNext; }; void* m_pMemBlock; //The address of memory pool. ...
本期我们将继续深入浅出思科vpp24.02系列专题,介绍VPP的buffer模块的初始化的函数的业务逻辑介绍。 02=vlib_buffer_main_init函数介绍 在往期的内容中,我们介绍了思科VPP软件对日志功能的初始化的函数vlib_buffer_main_init()的业务逻辑介绍,其在vlib_main()中备调用的。
CUDACHECK(cudaMemPoolDestroy(comm->memPool));delete[] comm->userRedOps;free(comm->connectSend); free(comm->connectRecv);free(comm->peerInfo); if (comm->topo) ncclTopoFree(comm->topo); if (comm->nodeRanks) { for (int n=0; n<comm->nNodes; n++) free(comm->nodeRanks[n].local...
* @return result of Aspect execution,if false drop tx in mempool */ filterTx(ctx: FilterTxCtx): bool { return true } /** * preTxExecute is a join-point which will be invoked before the transaction execution. * * @param ctx context of the given join-point * @return result of Aspec...