将模板中 Memory interface ports 和 System Clock Ports 的端口作为 ddr3_motive 的模块端口,其中 init_calib_complete 信号被我删除了,主要是考虑到本次只是将init_calib_complete 信号拉起,没有考虑用户逻辑,所以在内部引出来就可以了。还有一个地方需要注意的就是 IP 生成的时候,系统时钟采用的是 No Buffer ...
1.1phy控制器和DDR颗粒上电 1.2 复位DDR颗粒 1.3 CKE使能和ck_t/ck_c打开 1.4 MRS寄存器模式...
It reaches the MIG core and I want to write it to the memory. But somehow, the init_calib_complete always stays low and as the calibration is not over, I guess I do not get to perform read and write to the memory. The dq always stays into high impedence state. Is there anything ...
SIM_BYPASS_INIT_CAL : string := "FAST"; -- # = "OFF" - Complete memory init & -- calibration sequence -- # = "SKIP" - Not supported -- # = "FAST" - Complete memory init & use -- abbreviated calib sequence SIMULATION : string := "TRUE"; -- Should be TRUE during design sim...
除了UCF以外,没有加我自己的东西,完全是mig生成的工程 仿真没有问题但是debug时init calib complete没...
print("loading calibdation data") dataloader, _ = get_loaders("c4",nsamples=args.nsamples,seed=args.seed,seqlen=model.seqlen,tokenizer=tokenizer) print("dataset loading complete") with torch.no_grad(): inps, outs, attention_mask = prepare_calibration_input(model, dataloader, device) layers...
# 需要导入模块: from OpenGL import GLUT [as 别名]# 或者: from OpenGL.GLUT importglutInitWindowSize[as 别名]defmain():globalcalib, cyl src_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] data_dir = os.path.join(src_dir,'..','data') ...
RTC_CalibCounterCmd(LPC_RTC, ENABLE);/* Set the CIIR for second counter interrupt*/RTC_CntIncrIntConfig (LPC_RTC, RTC_TIMETYPE_SECOND, ENABLE);/* Enable RTC interrupt */NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_IRQn);/* Loop forever */while(1);return1; ...
Hi, I created a DDR interface for KC705 using the XTP196 (KC705 MIG Design Creation) document and then I generted the MIG example design . I used Vivado simulator to simulate the exmple design and I can see the init_calib_
RTC_CalibCounterCmd(LPC_RTC, DISABLE);/* Set current time for RTC */// Current time is 06:45:00PM, 2011-03-25RTC_SetTime (LPC_RTC, RTC_TIMETYPE_SECOND,0); RTC_SetTime (LPC_RTC, RTC_TIMETYPE_MINUTE,45); RTC_SetTime (LPC_RTC, RTC_TIMETYPE_HOUR,15); ...