whereby the limit ϵ (λ, T) = 1 represents the case of an ideal blackbody radiator. Typical blackbody emitters are the Nernst glower and the globar, whereby either a ceramic rod (e.g., SiC) or a tungsten filament, respectively, are resistively ...
infrared spec- trometer (FTIR) Bruker IFS 113v under vacuum (~1 mBar) equipped with a liquid helium-cooled Si bolometer, mylar (6 μm, 12 μm) beamsplitters, a deuterated-triglycine sulfate (DTGS) detector, a KBr beamsplitter, and a silicon carbide light source (globar). The...
The interferogram is obtained by directing the infrared light emitted from the source (Globar in this case) to an interferometer that modulates the light. Afterwards, the signal passes through the sample under test placed in an additional optical bench attached to the instrument, eventually focusing...
In this technique, the FIR source is a heated metal wire or globar producing a broad spectrum of radiation that passes through a Michelson interferometer before passing through the sample and being detected by a cooled Si bolometer. By rapidly scanning the moving mirror in the interferometer, and...
silver chloride disks for infrared spectroscopic studies with the remaining bulk sample being used for the Raman studies. The infrared studies were performed at the Aladdin Synchrotron radiation source at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, WI, USA. The Raman studies employed a krypton ion ...
A QCL emits a markedly more significant number of photons per unit wavelength in comparison to a globar source. This increases the reflected light and the S/N. A prospective application of this technique is for the detection of crude oil in soils, which represents a severe biodiversity risk. ...