Trajectory prediction (TP) is a vital operation in air traffic control systems for flight monitoring and tracking. The approach phase of general aviation (GA) aircraft is more of a visual approach, which is related to the safety of the flight and whether to go around. Therefore,...
方案1:2016年的CVPR论文“Sociallstm:Humantrajectorypredictionincrowdedspaces”是最早使用长短期记忆网络(LSTM)来建模并预测行人的轨迹,同时引入社会池化层(SocialPoolingLayer)来提取行人之间的交互信息。然而,像LSTM之类的循环神经网络只能顺序处理序列,并行处理能力差,效率低。 方案2:2018年CVPR论文“Socialgan:Socially...
方案1:2016年的CVPR论文“Social lstm:Human trajectory prediction incrowded spaces”是最早使用长短期记忆网络(LSTM)来建模并预测行人的轨迹,同时引入社会池化层(Social Pooling Layer)来提取行人之间的交互信息。然而,像LSTM之类的循环神经网络只能顺序处理序列,并行处理能力差,效率低。 方案2:2018年CVPR论文“Social...
long-term 4D trajectory do not fully consider implicit association among trajectory data with a long se-quence.To address this problem,a long-term 4D trajectory prediction model based on Informer model with the self-attention mechanism is developed.To extract the global feature from trajectory data...
A Method of Ship Trajectory Prediction Based on a C-Informer Model 在线阅读 免费下载 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 船舶在复杂环境中的航行受风浪、水深、船舶性能等多种不确定因素的影响,利用数学模型难以准确定义和反映船舶轨迹变化规律。针对此问题,研究了1种基于特征工程及神经网络的船舶运动轨迹多步预测方法,将...
While the e-commerce sector experienced substantial growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last year marked a departure from this trajectory. It was the first time since 2009 that U.S. e-commerce growth failed to reach double digits, settling at a modest 8.5% year-over-year increase. ...
It can be seen that the DBC-Informer model can more accurately portray the effects of different driving behaviors on vehicle trajectories and improve the accuracy of vehicle trajectory prediction, which provides important data support for vehicle warning systems.Su, Jianyu...
Secondly, the time series is separated from the trajectory data in each segment and input into the model. The Informer model is utilized to improve long-term ship trajectory prediction ability, and the output mechanism is adjusted to enable predictions for each segment. Finally, the proposed ...
Informer; trajectory prediction; long-sequence forecasting; trajectory planning1. Introduction With the rapid development of the global shipping industry, the number of ships is steadily increasing, and maritime traffic has become more complex. The risk of maritime traffic accidents is rising, posing ...