Some community colleges and universities offer fishery technology and related programs that include courses in seamanship, vessel operations, marine safety, navigation, vessel repair, and fishing gear technology. These programs are typically located near coastal areas and include hands-on experience. ...
a seaman supervisor for a seamanship task, such as launching a boat). More complex tasks require higher-level supervisors with whole-ship tasks being led either by the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer. Reporting of sub-tasks, in this case, is usually ...
The core of the problem is a knowledge base which is compatible with the principles of "international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972" (briefly as "COLREG'" hereafter), the ordinary practice of seamen and good seamanship, acceptable by mariners and marine experts. The paper ...
Drake received some education, and he later learned the basics of navigation (getting a ship from one place to another by plotting position and direction) and seamanship and did some sailing near his home. The Drakes were related to the Hawkins family of Plymouth, England, who were well-to-...