Seamanship in the Age of Sail 作者:Harland, John H. 出版社:Naval Inst Pr 定价:540.00 元 装帧:HRD ISBN:9780870219559 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
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The third approach looks at the way that the user interacts (Mead, 1962; 1980) with the objects of the windsurfer to engage in play. These three approaches together show that playing with things like wind-surfers provides a particular type of emotional outlet, situates the sailor in ...
Seamanship in the Age of Sail: An Account of Shiphandling of the Sailing Man-O-War, 1600-1860 Numerous successful reprints of contemporary works on rigging and seamanship indicate the breadth of interest in the lost art of handling square-rigged ships. Modelmakers, marine painters and enthusiasts...
•Hearrivedin Virginia at the age of twelve or thirteen, perhaps as one learningseamanship.•Becoming acompetentswimmeris obviouslysensibleand for those whosaila knowledge ofseamanshipisessential.•During hislessonsonseamanship, Nathan hadwarnedher about thedangersof leaving cutsuntreated.•But ...
• He arrived in Virginia at the age of twelve or thirteen, perhaps as one learning seamanship.• Becoming a competent swimmer is obviously sensible and for those who sail a knowledge of seamanship is essential.• During his lessons on seamanship, Nathan had warned her about the dangers ...
Distilled from the vast accumulated lore of seamanship and navigation, here are the absolute essentials--185 techniques that work without fail in the pilothouse or the exposed cockpit or flying bridge of a shorthanded sail- or powerboat. John Jamieson shows you how to: Set up a clipboard ...
The Complete Sailor: Learning the Art of Sailing "The Complete Sailor" goes beyond other learn-to-sail books to cover navigation, boat design, and seamanship. Encyclopedic in scope, yet warm in style, it conveys the magic as well as the techniques of sailing. Among other topics covered......
"In these difficult times, it was fantastic to be able to come together and have some 'normality'," said Warren Myles. "It's no wonder the Australian Olympic Laser team has chosen Mooloolaba as their training ground - it's the best place in the world to sail!" ...