Why do managers in emerging markets conduct some activities in the informal economy and others in the formal economy when they have a choice? Using institutional economic theory, previous research shows that, at the country level, weak formal institutions create institutional voids that increase the ...
Huda, A Comparative Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Formal and Informal Economy: A Study of Dhaka City, Asian Journal of Business Management 1(1): 19-23, 2009 ISSN: 2041-8752Huda, S.S.M., Alam, M. S., and Khan, M. Y., (2009). A Comparative Study of Women Entrepreneurs in ...
This paper explores different forms of MP found in various forms and sizes of enterprise in Ghana. Specifically, it examines 1) how workplaces in the formal and informal economy manage MP and 2) how reciprocity shapes workers' access to the different forms of MP support. The paper draws on...
The concepts of formal and informal remain central to the theory and practice of development more than half a century after they were introduced into the debate. They help structure the way that statistical services collect data on the economies of developing countries, the development of theoretical...
However, the effect of monetary policy on the informal economy and informal economy responses to shocks from the formal economy is yet to receive empirical attention. Our study aims to explore monetary policy effect on the informal economy and response to shocks in the formal economy in Nigeria ...
–This paper aims to evaluate critically the conventional binary hierarchical representation of the formal/informal economy dualism which reads informal employment as a residual and marginal sphere that has largely negative consequences for economic development and needs to be deterred. Design/methodology/...
To explore the relationship between formal and informal economies has become much significant due to the expansion of the informal economy in the developing nations. With Globalization and liberalization, the international value chain and formal-informal linkages in production at different points within th...
In developing countries, there has been a surge in the size of the informal economy in recent years. However, the effect of monetary policy on the informal economy and informal economy responses to shocks from the formal economy is yet to receive empirical attention. Our study aims to explore...
The quality of work: Informal employment in low- and middle-income countries Labour Conference (ILC) adopted the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204), along with an accompanying resolution urging governments to adopt measures to give full effect to the...
Focuses on formal and informal modes of administrative regulation in the United States. Role of the government as regulator of the economy; Limits on the power of administrative officials; Background on the drafting of the American Administrative Procedure Act; Suggestions in evaluating formality and ...