Influenza virus: antigenic shift and driftDeFranco, Anthony LLocksley, Richard MRobertson, Miranda
Shift and Drift in Influenza A Viruses Every year, influenza vaccination programs must contend with antigenic variation. Influenza viruses change through drift and shift. Antigenic drift refers to the gradual accumulation of mutations during circulation of virus as a consequence of the high error rate...
Figure 2. An example of influenza antigenic shift and drift Influenza type A viruses undergo two major kinds of changes. One is a series of mutations that occurs over time and causes a gradual evolution of the virus. This is called antigenic "drift." The other kind of change is an abrupt...
The genetic and antigenic characteristics of influenza A viruses (IAV) within and between species change over time due to antigenic shift and drift. Although pigs are known to play a key role in the epidemiology of IAV between species, little is known about the molecular evolution of IAV hemagg...
Influenza vaccine—outmaneuvering antigenic shift and drift. New Engl. J. Med. 350, 218–220 (2004). CAS PubMed Google Scholar De Jong, J. C., Rimmelzwaan, G. F., Fouchier, R. A. & Osterhaus, A. D. Influenza virus: a master of metamorphosis. J. Infect. 40, 218–228 (2000...
It is commonly assumed that antibody responses against the influenza virus are polarized in the following manner: strong antibody responses are directed at highly variable antigenic epitopes, which consequently undergo 'antigenic drift', while weak antibody responses develop against conserved epitopes. As ...
(antigenic shift), effectively becoming a new subtype. Viral evolution isfacilitatedby animals such as pigs and birds, which serve as reservoirs of influenza viruses. When apigis simultaneously infected with different influenza A viruses, such as human, swine, and avian strains,genetic reassortment...
Antigenic drift occurs in all types of influenza viruses. Antigenic shift, however, occurs only in flu A because it infects more than just human. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza infection. It has moderate efficacy, good safety, and acceptable tolerability. However, ...
mainly because of the diversity of HAs created by antigenic drift and shift11,12. One report has suggested that glycosylations in the globular head of the HA is an essential step for viruses to gain virulence and antigenic properties13. Mature HA is a homotrimer, with a globular domain conta...
Influenza(theflu)isacontagiousrespiratoryillnesscausedbyinfluenzaviruses.Itcancausemildtosevereillness,andattimescanleadtodeath History:2,400years 20thcentury 191819571968H1N1H2N3H2N3SpanishfluFareastfluHongKongflu WorldWarI:8to10million 40million2million700000 21thcentury 2009H1N1pandemic Timelineof2009...