A Function Space View of Bounded Norm Infinite Width ReLU Nets: The Multivariate CaseGreg OngieRebecca WillettDaniel SoudryNathan SrebroInternational Conference on Learning Representations
where it was shown that the required norm is determinedby the L 1 -norm of the second derivative of the function. We extend the charac-terization to multi-variate functions (d ≥ 2, i.e., multiple input units), relatingthe required norm to the L 1 -norm of...
1)infinite norm无穷范数 1.Under the sense of fuzzy satisfactory degree,the values of soft constraints and infinite norms of related vectors are transformed into satisfactory degree.在模糊满意度的意义下,将软约束和有关向量无穷范数的取值转换为满意度。 2.A new algorithm for detecting dim moving target...
フォロー 1 回表示 (過去 30 日間) 古いコメントを表示 Rupamathi Jaddivada2017 年 7 月 6 日 0 リンク 翻訳 編集済み:John D'Errico2017 年 7 月 6 日 Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way I can use infinite norm rather than the 2-norm in fsolve options for FunctionTolerance. ...
The discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation on Zd, d≥1 is an example of a dispersive nonlinear wave system. Being a Hamiltonian system that conserves also the ℓ2(Zd)-norm, the well-posedness of the corresponding Cauchy problem follows for square-summable initial data. In this paper, we ...
We prove that measures with relatively norm compact range correspond to the infinite-nuclear operators and to a p-Bochner integrable function (resp. p-Pettis integrable function) correspond a p-nuclear operator (resp. a q-nuclear operator).doi:doi:484Dumitru PopaLe Matematiche...
A first non-trivial conceptual step is to consider as our new ring of scalar. The natural extension of the Euclidean norm on the -module , i.e. , where , goes exactly in this direction. In fact, even if this generalized norm takes values in , and not in the old , it shares some...
Check generate_init_weight() of src/model.py: emb.weight => nn.init.uniform_(a=-1e-4, b=1e-4) (Note ln0 of block0 is the layernorm for emb.weight) head.weight => nn.init.orthogonal_(gain=0.5*sqrt(n_vocab / n_embd)) att.receptance.weight => nn.init.orthogonal_(gain=1)...
In this article we extend Lambert's W function in the space of quaternions, calculate the norm of the quaternion W function, and derive formulas for the left and right quaternion derivatives for f(z)=cz . We also examine the contractivity for the iterates of f in the space of ...
The main results obtained in the study of grand Lebesgue spaces on sets of infinite measure, defined by introducing a small degree of weight into the norm of the grand space, are presented. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar conten...