Understand Quiz Settings Quiz Structure Quiz Scoring Setup How Scores are Calculated Score Analysis Article|Video Reference Quiz Question Types Getting Started? Check out thisvideoor thistutorialfor an overview of how quizzes work. Quizzes were updated with the release ofCampus.2419, and additional...
Tool Rights (Census) Census Overview - Video Census People Feeder Tool Census People Setup Census Staff Census Households Census Addresses Census Change Requests Census School Choice Administration Census Reports Census Online Registration State Edition Census Tools...
However, she also has an unexpectedly bold side, as well: after she spots Kazuhiko drinking the water and posing an argument for when the best water is, Chika challenges him by suggesting that another part of campus, at a different time of day, has superior water. Too Many Losing Heroines...
Articles Password and Security Settings Information on managing your Campus account password and preferences.
A picture that represents the school store in Campus Student and Campus Parent. If this is your first time uploading an image in Campus, Campus prompts you to accept the Terms and Conditions. Mark the checkbox before you save. The image must use one of the following extensions: .jpg, .jpe...
Home Glossary Release Information
http://speedtest.infinitecampus.com Image 1: Beginning the Speed Test Select the Start button. A speedometer will appear, fluctuating as it records the upload and download bandwidth of the network. Once the test is complete, the tool will display the network's download speed, upload speed and...
Home Glossary Release Information
This article describes using the Control Center to take attendance and score assignments, and the other tools available.
Buses - Video The Buses tool lists the numbers and descriptions of all the buses used in a district. Bus information can be entered and changed here.