Understand Quiz Settings Quiz Structure Quiz Scoring Setup How Scores are Calculated Score Analysis Article|Video Reference Quiz Question Types Getting Started? Check out thisvideoor thistutorialfor an overview of how quizzes work. Quizzes were updated with the release ofCampus.2419, and additional...
Tool Rights (Census) Census Overview - Video Census People Feeder Tool Census People Setup Census Staff Census Households Census Addresses Census Change Requests Census School Choice Administration Census Reports Census Online Registration State Edition Census Tools...
Create a store for each school by selecting the school in the Campus toolbar. Use the field descriptions provided here to complete the screen then clickSave. Repeat this procedure for each school that is going to have a school store.
Buses - Video The Buses tool lists the numbers and descriptions of all the buses used in a district. Bus information can be entered and changed here.
Tool Search:Vaccine Setup Health vaccines and their associated compliance listings are based on state guidelines. While Infinite Campus maintains standard guidelines for all states, districts have the ability to enter additional compliances. The following information describes vaccine compliance rules as def...
selected in the Campus toolbar. If a screening was recorded in December of 2013, and the year in the Campus toolbar was 2013-14, the screening prints. If the screening was recorded in December of 2013, and the year selected in the Campus toolbar was 2014-15, the screening does not ...
http://speedtest.infinitecampus.com Image 1: Beginning the Speed Test Select the Start button. A speedometer will appear, fluctuating as it records the upload and download bandwidth of the network. Once the test is complete, the tool will display the network's download speed, upload speed and...
CampusDictionary. name M IncidentDescription A long text description of full details and a report of what occurred. Reports the value entered in Context Description when not null. When the Context field is null, reports the value entered into the Description field. ...
The CEIS tool allows schools to record student participation in Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). Coordinated Early Intervening Services are intended for students who have not been identified as students with disabilities under IDEA and who do not yet have an IEP, but who are determined...
With the Campus.2415 release, the Last Qualifying Arrival Date field is now required. Staff editing historical records will be prompted to enter a date in that field in order to save the record if one does not already exist. This change does not impact current state reporting of Migrant data...