New Student Registration Workflow Tool Rights (Census) Census Overview - Video Census People Feeder Tool Census People Setup Census Staff Census Households Census Addresses Census Change Requests Census School Choice Administration Census Reports Census Online Registration ...
Understand Quiz Settings Quiz Structure Quiz Scoring Setup How Scores are Calculated Score Analysis Article|Video Reference Quiz Question Types Getting Started? Check out thisvideoor thistutorialfor an overview of how quizzes work. Quizzes were updated with the release ofCampus.2419, and additional...
Aloha Hawaii Leaf Amazon Rainforest Snowmobile Ambergris Amber Surf And Turf Amberween Amberween Fish Ambiguous Injured Unclear Ambition Goal Reservation Ambrosia Mead Phoenix Ambulance Crash Emergency Ambulocetus Ammonite Whale Ambush Reserve Surprise Amen Crash Prayer Amen Break Amen Landslide Amend Amendment...
The Days tab provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tab also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any special events are assigned to ...
Add Displayed Text in Parent Portal Adds the text to the top of the Parent Portal School Store. Add Displayed Text in Student Portal Adds the text to the top of the Student Portal School Store. Image Upload A picture that represents the school store in Campus Student and Campus Parent. If...
With the Campus.2415 release, the Last Qualifying Arrival Date field is now required. Staff editing historical records will be prompted to enter a date in that field in order to save the record if one does not already exist. This change does not impact current state reporting of Migrant data...
1: Single Parent 2: Single Pregnant Women Daily Attendance Hours Total number of hours student receives instruction in TEDS program. Values between.1 and 9.99 are accepted. This field does not round. Term 1, Term 2, Term 3The terms are where the daily attendance house per term are tracked...
The Days tool provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. It also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any special events are assigned to a day, ...
Click here to expand... Days The Days tab provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tab also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any...
Within Calendar, there are nine tools:Calendar,Grade Levels,Schedule Structure,Terms,Periods,Days,Overrides,Attendance Periods, andCalendar GPA. While not all fields in these tools are specific to Michigan, some of these fields are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. These tools and fields...