Articles Password and Security Settings Information on managing your Campus account password and preferences.
Reference Quiz Question Types Getting Started? Check out thisvideoor thistutorialfor an overview of how quizzes work. Quizzes were updated with the release ofCampus.2419, and additional updates will be included in subsequent releases. See theEnhanced Quizzesrelease notification for more information...
New Student Registration Workflow Tool Rights (Census) Census Overview - Video Census People Feeder Tool Census People Setup Census Staff Census Households Census Addresses Census Change Requests Census School Choice Administration Census Reports Census Online Registration ...
Add Displayed Text in Parent Portal Adds the text to the top of the Parent Portal School Store. Add Displayed Text in Student Portal Adds the text to the top of the Student Portal School Store. Image Upload A picture that represents the school store in Campus Student and Campus Parent. If...
Single ParentIndicates the student is a single parent. This includes single pregnant women. State ExcludeIndicates the record should not report to the state. Career Technical Cluster Codes CodeName 01 Agriculture and Natural Resources 02 Construction ...
With the Campus.2415 release, the Last Qualifying Arrival Date field is now required. Staff editing historical records will be prompted to enter a date in that field in order to save the record if one does not already exist. This change does not impact current state reporting of Migrant data...
This logic is only relevant for districts connected to a State Edition of Campus. Logic determines what test scores are synced based on the school year selected in the Campus toolbar and active DIS zone year. If the test has a Year value - any test score that has a date between 07/01...
Home Glossary Release Information
Single Parent Indicates if the student is a single teen parent. enrollmentMN.singleParent Carl Perkins Displaced Homemaker Indicates if the student is a displaced homemaker. enrollment.displacedHomemaker Carl Perkins Percent Enrolled The percent of the school day the student is enrolled in this school...
Log in as the Parent/Guardian This option logs you out of Campus and automatically logs you into the Campus Parent (portal) view of Online Registration. Search for the application. Tip: Make sure the names of the student(s) in the application display at the top in theStudentsection. ...