District Edition Pass/Fail Logic: Most recent grade posted to transcript per qualifying class is considered in the Final Grade earned %Passed and %Failed counts. Students with more than one grade posted for the same section of a course indicates the student improved their original grade earned. ...
District Editionusersshould view theTests (District)page. State Edition usersshould view theTests (State)page. Tool Search:Test Setup The creation of a test in Infinite Campus is referred to as a Test Structure that incorporates a single assessment. A test structure houses the attributes needed ...
When the Migrant record being published exists at the district but no changes exist between the state and district record(s), no update is made. When the Migrant record being published exists at the district but the record was deleted in the State Edition, the record is deleted at the distr...
When populating custom tabs, a district must be selected in the Campus toolbar. Tab Type Required Indicates the format of the editor on the custom tab. See the Tab Types section for more information. Depending on the Tabset selection, a certain tab type may not be available. ...
Custom Tab functionality varies depending on the Infinite Campus Editor. The following is available: Custom Tab for District Edition Users Custom Tab for State Edition Users Information on a custom tab should NOT already have a designated area in the Campus product. As a best practice, Campus rec...
In Nevada, Behavior Event Types mapped to a State Event Code (Mapping) and Behavior Resolution Types mapped to a State Resolution Code (Mapping) will sync from the Nevada District Edition to the Nevada State Edition in real time. Behavior Incidents not state-mapped will not sync to the State...
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The BIE CEIS Report can be run in both State and District Editions of Campus. Report Logic This reportuses the following logic: Click here to expand... Generate the BIE CEIS Reports Select aSchoolor select"All Schools"from the Tool Bar. ...
under section 504 is more broad than the disability definition for ieps and the iep governing process. this tool is available for state edition users and district edition users. see the core section 504 article for information on necessary tool rights, available ad hoc fields, and guidance on ...
Tool Rights (Census) Census Overview - Video Census People Feeder Tool Census People Setup Census Staff Census Households Census Addresses Census Change Requests Census School Choice Administration Census Reports Census Online Registration State Edition Census Tools...