b. 在 [識別碼] 文字方塊中,使用下列模式輸入 URL: https://<DOMAIN>.infinitecampus.com/campus/<DISTRICTNAME> c. 在 [回覆 URL] 文字方塊中,以下列模式輸入 URL:https://<DOMAIN>.infinitecampus.com/campus/SSO/<DISTRICTNAME> 在[以 SAML 設定單一登入] 頁面的 [SAML 簽署憑證] 區段中,按一下 [...
Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display. Defaults to checked. Calendar Selection Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, school name, or year. ...
customers, the Owner column on both the State and District editions displays the district name if the record is a district owned record and 'State' if it is a state owned record. The Filter dropdown allows users to view all records, only state owned records, or only district owned records...
Students and parents have different login pages. If you are a parent make sure you are using Campus Parent. If you are a student make sure you are using Campus Student. 1. Visitinfinitecampus.comand clickLoginat the top right 2. Search for yourDistrict NameandState. Select your district fr...
K-12 Solutions Group is dedicated to equipping schools with the best tools to serve today's students. As a channel partner, we provide local, award winning support and implementation for Infinite Campus. We also create integrated and high-quality custom
BaseURL: Enter the base URL copied from Infinite Campus For OneRoster v1.2, the URL should look like this:https://<portaldomain>/campus/api/oneroster/v1p2/<appName>/ims/oneroster For your OneRoster v1.1, the URL should look like this:https://<portaldomain>/api/oneroster/v1p1/<app...
a. 在“登录 URL” 文本框中,使用以下模式键入 URL:https://<DOMAIN>.infinitecampus.com/campus/SSO/<DISTRICTNAME>/SIS b. 在“标识符”文本框中,使用以下模式键入 URL:https://<DOMAIN>.infinitecampus.com/campus/<DISTRICTNAME> c. 在“回复 URL”文本框中,使用以下模式键入 URL:https://<DOMAIN>.in...
在[基本 SAML 組態] 區段上,執行下列步驟 (請注意,網域將隨著裝載模型而不同,但 [FULLY-QUALIFIED-DOMAIN] 值必須符合您的 Infinite Campus 安裝): a. 在 [登入 URL] 文字方塊中,使用下列模式輸入 URL︰ https://<DOMAIN>.infinitecampus.com/campus/SSO/<DISTRICTNAME>/SIS b. 在 [識別碼] 文字方塊中...
• Infinite Campus logon site: https://ic.dist113.org/campus/portal/township.jspNOTE: This site is available from home.• Username and password: : Use your regular school username and password. : Use the username and password you created for your account.• should click the link at ...
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