school days can be entered/or modified. mark a calendar for deletion when a calendar is no longer needed, whether it was created in error or it was decided that a particular calendar is no longer needed, users can mark the calendar for deletion. this allows the district's campus ...
Behavior Setup The Behavior Settings tools are used to set up behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. For the most part, these settings apply to the entire district, but there are instances where an event, resolution or response may only apply to a particular school. ...
If a school history exists Campus uses the most recent record that has an Effective Date <= the Effective Date of the extract editor. Otherwise, this field reports blank. Alphanumeric, 2 characters School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School > School History ...
The Kindergarten Code is used only for district-tracking purposes. Click here to expand... Days The Days tool provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tool also display...
This information is current as of the Campus.2427 (July 2024) release. The Dakota Writing report gathers the results of the South Dakota writing test taken by 5th, 7th and 10th grade students. The report generates in a format that can be sent home with individual students. ...
This option is helpful when a district is uncomfortable creating stored procedures, does not want to work directly in the Campus database, or is limited in contacting Campus Technical Services for specific needs. On the GPA Calculation Editor, notice that theWeightvalue for the AP Eng Lang/Comp...
Additional Information fields provide further details on the transcript entry, and includes localized fields (used for state reports) and district-defined fields (created by the district) This section is collapsible or expandable by clicking the minus/plus sign on the right-hand side. ...
prior to sending the message, or to remove a delivery device, unmark the checkbox next to the individual or any of their message devices. Click the student's name to view their summary. ClickPreviewto view the message as that parent would see it, with the appropriate Campus fields populated...
AlphanumericSchool & District Settings > District Information > County E-mail addressThe email address of the person generating the report.N/A Type of SchoolIndicates the type of school reporting. Options include Public, Private, or Charter.Checkboxes ...
The Relationships tool displays established relationships between people existing in Campus. Relationships include the other individuals residing in the same household as the selected individual and those individuals who may reside in other households but have an association with the selected person (emergen...