17、Most of the examined Ascaris eggs were at the infective stage.检出的虫卵绝大部分是感染性虫卵。 18、METHODS Totally 58 cases of infant infective enteritis inside hospital were analyzed.方法回顾性分析58份婴幼儿医院感染病历。 19、Methods: Totally 58 cases of infant infective enteritis inside hospi...
8.infectivepleurisy感染性胸膜炎... 9.infectiveparticle感染病毒粒子... 10.infectivestage感染阶段;感染期;传染期;感染性阶段 用法例句 1. It is transmitted between animals and humans by the bite of infected fleas, direct contact, inhalation and rarely, ingestion ofinfectivematerials. ...