You're relaxing after a day at work or spending time with your family when you feel a sharp pain in your mouth. If you have a history of dental problems – such as infection in gums, teeth or even cavities – the pain could be related to a dental abscess
Breast milk they say is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow the growth of bacteria and acid production in the mouth. But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding. Use a cloth with a little warm water. Do...
Bleeding gums can be a result of brushing too hard. However, it is usually connected with receding gums. While receding gums can be a result of brushing too hard, it is more commonly linked with an infection that is destroying the gum. It’s commonly called gum disease. If left your gum...
Where some abscesses occur in the tooth, a periodontal abscess develops in the gums; it often appears as a red, swollen lesion on the gum line. Should you feel a sudden, sharp pain in your gums, a visit to the dentist is recommended, as an abscess must be treated as soon as ...
(mouth, tongue, or gums), osteomyelitis, other lower respiratory tract infection, other urinary tract infections, other male or female reproductive tract, spinal abscess without meningitis, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, and vaginal cuff (episiotomy, circumcision, and burn wounds are...
In the past, most cases of bacterial infection–related glomerulonephritis (IRGN) occurred in children following streptococcal upper respiratory tract or skin infections and were called postinfectious GN. Over the past 3 decades, there has been an important shift in epidemiology, bacteriology, and ...
Gingivitis (with markedly swollen, erythematous, and occasionally bleeding gums) Increased drooling in infants due to pain on swallowing Vesicular lesions on the tongue, buccal mucosa, and palate with extension, at times, to the lips and face (these may rupture and coalesce to form large, ulcer...
Abscess on my wisdom tooth which is impacted and swollen gums and glands! Swelling went down some put pain is still very active! No side effects minus a headache here and there but that may be from the pain pressure of the wisdom tooth! Feel like I should have some type of relief by ...
I have recently been getting repeated infections on the gums around my partly exposed wisdom tooth, this seems to have have increased the number of tonsil stones I am getting. They seem worse when the gums really swell up, and its very uncomfortable. ...
Had a new sex partner in the last 3 months Had more than 1 sex partner in the last 3 months Engaged in anal sex in the last 3 months However, low-resource countries have not consistently used sensitive HIV screening tests and have not restricted donors. Consequently, trans...