This can be particularly troublesome when it comes to your oral health. When your immune system is worn down by stress, the harmful bacteria in your mouth seize the opportunity to wreak havoc on your gums. Ultimately, this causes an infection of the gums known as gingivitis. What is the be...
Early gum disease or gingivitis affects 1 out of every 2 adults. Learn the most common causes of gum disease and find answers to your frequently asked questions.
You're relaxing after a day at work or spending time with your family when you feel a sharp pain in your mouth. If you have a history of dental problems – such as infection in gums, teeth or even cavities – the pain could be related to a dental abscess
Analingus, a.k.a. rimming, is on the rise. Here's everything to know about rim jobs, including how to do is safely, what it feels like, and how to prepare.
Causes and Symptoms of a Gum Boil or Abscess All dental abscesses, both tooth, and gum are caused by the same culprit — bacterial infections. The National Health Portal explains that bacterial infection affecting gums and bone supporting the teeth leads to gum disease. It is caused by: P...
When left untreated, gum disease can result in loss of the teeth and infection. Poor oral health has also been linked to heart disease and other complications. Most conditions which cause itchy gums can be successfully treated. Very rarely, gum itching can be the sign of an underlying ...
Having pain in your mouth for long periods of time from gum infection would be much worse. By pleonasm — On Sep 15, 2011 A friend showed me a technique in tooth brushing that quite a few people seem to miss out when they go through their routine. People will brush their teeth ...
What Some Causes of Bleeding Gums? What do White Spots on the Skin Mean? Discussion Comments ByAlanJ— On Apr 20, 2011 You should definitely go to your dentist if you have any concerns about your teeth or gums. Sore gums might mean you have some sort of gum infection, but it could ...
You might be more likely to get an infection during oral sex if you have: Aweakened immune system Poor oral health, including tooth decay, gum disease, bleeding gums, or oral cancer Mouth or genital sores Multiple partners, or partners who haven’t been tested for STDs ...
Clean your mouth Keep your mouth moist Chew Break down food particles Digest food When there’s not enough saliva in your mouth, it can lead to dry mouth. This causes signs and symptoms such as: Dryness or a sticky feeling in your mouth ...