infant mortality rate infant prodigy infant respiratory distress syndrome infant school infanta infante infanteer Infanthood infanticidal infanticide infantile infantile amaurotic idiocy infantile autism infantile fixation infantile paralysis Infantile rose infantilism infantility infantilization infantilize infantine ...
Infant Mortality Rate: Infant mortality rate is an index used to measure infant and maternal health worldwide. More specifically, the rate refers to the number of infant deaths per 1000 live births in a region. Infants, in this case, refers ...
Towards an explanation of inconsistent rates of posttraumatic stress disorder across different countries: infant mortality rate as a marker of social circumstances and basic population health. Psychother Psychosom. 2010;79(1):56-7.Matsuoka Y, Nishi D, Yonemoto N, Nakajima S, Kim Y: Towards an ...
The infant mortality rate is used widely as an overall indicator of reproductive health for a population, and neonatal anomalies can have permanent and devastating effects on the offspring and the family. The risks of infant morbidity and mortality should be accounted for when recommending GWG ...
Infant Mortality Rates Highest for Non-Hispanic Blacks; Infant mortality rate higher for infants of non-Hispanic black versus non-Hispanic white, Asian, Hispanic women The PFA (Marketing of Infant Formula) Regulation 2017 was notified on Feb 15 and its clauses of regulation were prepared under se...
infant mortality infant mortality rate infant prodigy infant respiratory distress syndrome infant school infanta infante infanteer Infanthood infanticidal infanticide infantile infantile amaurotic idiocy infantile autism infantile fixation infantile paralysis ...
The explanation for these trends is unknown, but variation in regional trends in Black postneonatal infant mortality rates suggested that social and medical-care differences among Blacks should be examined. A high Black infant mortality rate for a group of most-segregated metropolitan statistical areas...
Rising R, Duro D, Cedillo M, Valois S, Lifshitz F: Daily metabolic rate in healthy infants. J Peds. 2003, 143: 180-185. 10.1067/S0022-3476(03)00362-7. Article Google Scholar Calle EE, Thun MJ, Petrelli JM, Rodriguez C, Heath CW: BMI and mortality in prospective cohort of U.S....
To be clear, the presence of these relatively high levels does not necessarily indicate ‘normative’ or ‘intact’ function [32]; to the contrary, while the magnitude of eye-looking at 2 months is relatively high, the underlying developmental processes are clearly already different: rate-of-...
Elevated thymic weight and cytokine concentration mainly in SIDS cases aged <20 weeks. Age-related impairment in the thymic weight and cytokine expression may be impaired by subclinical infection in SIDS. Publisher:Nature Publishing Group US(New York ...