Define Indus River. Indus River synonyms, Indus River pronunciation, Indus River translation, English dictionary definition of Indus River. Noun 1. Indus River - an Asian river that rises in Tibet and flows through northern India and then southwest throu
Cruden DM (1991) A simple definition of a landslide. Bull Int Assoc Eng Geol 43:27–29. Article Google Scholar DAAC O (2017) Spatial data access tool (SDAT). ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Di Marti...
Cities easily survive the theoretical excision of a ruling class. This is one of the reasons that urbanization has become increasingly untethered from the social complexity trait list, and indeed there is a considerable literature surrounding its definition and characteristics (Cowgill2004; Smith2009,20...
This method is analogous to the definition of GD4 with the difference that the reference threshold is generally 0 °C rather than 4 °C. As such GD4 provides a more conservative indicator than a “pure” degree day calculation. Furthermore, work by Forsythe et al., 2012a, Forsythe et al...
There is a close relationship between climate and vegetation in the Indus valley. InSindhprovince on the lower Indus, desert conditions prevail 10 to 25 miles (15 to 40 km) away from the river, and the area is dominated by sand and poor grass cover. Irrigation by floods or canals permits...