由日本iPSC领域的大牛2019年发表在Physiological Reviews上的一篇综述:诱导多能干细胞及其在人类疾病和发育模型中的应用,系统性地梳理了从iPSC的起源到前沿应用的一系列重要事件,是入门了解诱导多能干细胞领域不可不读的文章 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Use in Human Models of Disease and Development |...
Induced pluripotent stem cells in disease modelling and drug discovery | Nature Reviews Genetics 以下为全文翻译(水平有限,仅供参考): 摘要 十多年前,诱导多能干细胞 (iPSC) 的获取激发了人们对开发人类疾病新模型、增强药物发现平台和更广泛使用自体细胞疗法的广泛热情。使用 iPSC 定向分化的早期研究通常揭示了...
cellsREPROGRAMMINGCell-basedtherapySTEMcellBANKINGInduced pluripotent stem cells(iPSC) technology has propelled the field of stem cells biology, providing new cells to explore the molecular mechanisms of pluripotency, cancer biology and aging. A major advantage of human iPSC,compared to the pluripotent ...
iPSC are derived from skin, fat, fibroblasts or blood cells that have been reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like pluripotent state by Yamanaka and Thomson Factors.iPSC's can become beta islet cells to treat diabetes, blood cells to create new blood free of cancer cells for a leukemia ...
iPSC Differentiation You will have priority access to various differentiated cell types for therapeutic use. What are Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells? iPSCs are derived from adult cells such as skin cells that have been reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like pluripotent state. The generated iPSCs ...
iPS细胞是一种人工衍生的多能干细胞,由固定表达某种基因的成熟体细胞改造而来。成熟体细胞可被改造成为类似胚胎干细胞的状态,表达一些培养未分化胚胎干细胞必须的因子。 易锦生物(GeneCopoeia) 现向广大干细胞研究者提供工具及试剂进行细胞的程序重排。了解更多相关产品信息,请点击此处浏览。
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) — economic tools for cell reprogramming Lentifect™ Ready-to-Transduce Lentiviral Particles — both Standard and purified for all iPSC genes OmicsLink™ Expression-Ready ORF cDNA Clones — wide selection of lentiviral vectors and tags ...
E.; Hamazaki, T.; Umezawa, A.; Terada, N. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Next-Generation Bio- medical Interface. Lab. Invest. 2011, 91, 972-977.Hankowski KE, Hamazaki T, Umezawa A, Terada N (2011) Induced pluripotent stem cells as a next- generation biomedical interface. Lab...
Induced PSCs (iPSCs) can be generated by expressing specific transcription factor(s) in primary somatic cells, reverting the cells back into a pluripotent state. We are firm believers of the potential of iPSC based therapies and have invested significant efforts and resources to enable the manufac...
The induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology has transformed in vitro research and holds great promise to advance regenerative medicine. iPSCs have the capacity for an almost unlimited expansion, are amenable to genetic engineering, and can be dif