Some numbers contain '(',')' or some numbers start with the country code but others not, just because people have different writing habits. These numbers are public. We provide these numbers only to help you understand the phone number rules of various countries around the world and for ...
Phone number: 021-45846533 Zip code: 14240 Country calling code: +62Country: Indonesia Street: Jl P Jayakarta 121/23, Dki Jakarta City: Dki Jakarta State/province/area: Jakarta Phone number: 0-21-624-9495 Zip code: 10730 Country calling code: +62Country: Indonesia Street: Jl Pintu Besar...
I am unable to verify my Indonesian phone number for Azure sign up. This issue has been previously discussed, including "Please do not enter country code in your ...
Country Code: IDAreas Served: City Postal Code Amboina 97000–97119, 97231–97239 Balikpapan 76100–76199 (in Kalimantan Island) Banda Aceh 23000 Bandara Soekarno–Hatta 19101–19109 Bandung 40000–40199, 40201–40299 Banjarmasin 70000–70199, 70201–70299 Batam 29400–29499 (in Raiu ...
Sign up for the editor pick and get articles like this delivered right to your inbox. Name * Email * Organisation * Country * Contact Number * +Country Code-Phone Number(xxx-xxxxxxx) Comments Comment Log In To Comment New User? Create Account ...
(e.g. name, email or physical address, country, or phone number); Account Administration Info (e.g. user name, password, or security questions);Billing Information (e.g. credit card or other payment number, billing address); Date of Birth; and Profile Info (e.g. profile photo, ...
For international direct dialling use 001 + country code + area code + phone number. The country code for Indonesia is 62.Post offices are open Monday to Friday from 08:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs, and Saturday until around 13:00 hrs. In the larger cities main post offices are often open ...
Phone Number 0877-0019-0755 Location Information Full Address Jl. Pantai Ngebum, Mororejo, Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah 51372, Indonesia Route Jalan Pantai Ngebum (Jl. Pantai Ngebum) Administrative Area Level 4 Mororejo Administrative Area Level 3 Kaliwungu Administrative Area Level 2...
Country* Contact Number* +Country Code-Phone Number(xxx-xxxxxxx) Survey Box Is APAC taking centre stage in AI-driven drug discovery? Yes No May be VoteView poll resultsMore polls Contact Us MM Activ Singapore Pte Ltd 1 North Bridge Road, ...