Country Code國家號碼 Area Code地區號碼 ALASKA 阿拉斯加 1 907 ALBANIA 阿爾巴尼亞 355 42 ALGERIA 阿爾及利亞 213 ANGOLA 安哥拉 244 ANGUILLA 安圭拉河 1 264 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA 安提瓜 1 268 ARGENTINA 阿根廷 Buenos Aires 布誼諾斯艾利斯 54 1 La Plata 拉普拉大 54 221 ARMENIA 亞美尼亞 374 ARUBA ...
Indonesia 印度尼西亚 ID 62 -0.3 Iran 伊朗 IR 98 -4.3 Iraq 伊拉克 IQ 964 -5 Ireland 爱尔兰 IE 353 -4.3 Israel 以色列 IL 972 -6 Italy 意大利 IT 39 -7 Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦 225 -6 Jamaica 牙买加 JM 1876 -12 Japan 日本 JP 81 +1 Jordan 约旦 JO 962 -6 Kampuchea (Camb...
国际长途国家代码表Country Code 中英文对照 LISTOFITU-TRECOMMENDATIONE.164 CountryCountry,GeographicalareaorGlobalservicecode 1AmericanSamoa1Anguilla1AntiguaandBarbuda1Bahamas(Commonwealthofthe)1Barbados1Bermuda1BritishVirginIslands1Canada1CaymanIslands1Dominica(Commonwealthof)1DominicanRepublic1Grenada1Guam1Jamaica1...
国家代码(Country code) 国家代码(Country code) The code for international calls Which country is the 60 Asia Malaysia area code: Which country is the 62 Asia Indonesia area code: Which country is the 63 Asia Philippines area code: Which country is the 65 area code: Singapore Which country is...
This is the page of 🇳🇬 Nigeria: Country / Region - Popular Emoji Leaderboard. Time Range: A Month. Update Frequency: Every Day. Update Time: 2025-01-01 00:26:59 UTC. Unless otherwise specified, the data in the leaderboard chart and the ranking lis
For calls to most countries, dial011 + country code + phone number For calls to countries within the North American Numbering Plan, dial1 + area code + 7 digit local number, same as dialing a US state-to-state call (note that you will incur international charges) ...
国家代码(Countrycode) Thecodeforinternationalcalls Whichcountryisthe60AsiaMalaysiaareacode: Whichcountryisthe62AsiaIndonesiaareacode: Whichcountryisthe63AsiaPhilippinesareacode: Whichcountryisthe65areacode:Singapore Whichcountryisthe66AsiaThailandareacode: ...
National Code: Additional country code for some countries in North America. *** National Destination Code (NDC): Area code, service number code or mobile code. *** Subscriber’s Number (SN): The actual destination – unique within the NDC. Please find more information on number types ...
This is the page of 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia: Country / Region - Popular Emoji Leaderboard. Time Range: A Month. Update Frequency: Every Day. Update Time: 2025-01-01 00:26:59 UTC. Unless otherwise specified, the data in the leaderboard chart and the rankin
Furthermore, the phrase "country code" is also used to also define international dialing codes. There is an ISO standard that defines the country code and their function: ISO 3166-1 and it is subdivided into three (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, and ISO 3166-1 numeric code...