In the following, mapping refers to implemented rules to match genotype variants to model variants.(下面,映射是指将基因型变异与模型变异相匹配的实现规则。) ---model_db_path---model_db_snp_key:optional. If provided, will load variant ids from an alternative column in the db. By default, Pr...
When using our individual-level tools, we constructed prediction models for 14 phenotypes from UK Biobank21,22, for which we have access to phenotype and genotype data via Application 21432. These phenotypes are: body mass index (data field 21001), forced vital capacity (3062), height50, impe...
We demonstrated the efficiency of IGG3 by simulation tests, which could rapidly merge genotypes in tens of thousands of large genotype chips (e.g. Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 and Illumina Human1m-duo) and in HapMap III project on an ordinary desktop computer. Availability: http...