Army's “Soldier Integrated Protective Clothing Advanced Demonstration Program”, for the first time, soldier protection is treated as a system, and the “Soldier Integrated Protective Ensemble” is proposed, which consists of three parts: the advanced clothing subsystem, the overall helmet subsystem,...
111e retention of responses to individual sti muli and stimulus classes I WILUAM E. MONTAGUE AND ALEXANDER J. WEARING UNIVERSITY OFILLINOIS Items in a paired-associate task that may be encoded into concept classes are better remembered than items which must be coded individually. Three groups, ...
To reformulate and reconstruct a Gandhian philosophy and practice in its relevance for Israel/Palestine is the task of the day. From a Gandhian perspective, one becomes aware of the relativity of one’s standpoint. The situation in Israel is not black and white; to know one side is not ...
, the anticipation of when they will enter the mine and begin their task, is most difficult and stressful. The safety of the mine rescue team is top priority, which may mean building additional roof support or stoppings, removing debris, and constant gas monitoring before the team can move ...