string queryString = "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Platforms\" /><Value Type=\"LookupMulti\">" + InputTerm.Text + "</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Status\" /><Value Type=\"Choice\">Active</Value></Eq></And></Where></Query>"; bool found = false; using (SPSite s...
Lookup and manage contact info of all prospects, leads, and customers. Check and update pipeline status of all prospects, leads, and customers. Lookup appointments Book and schedule new appointments Manage your customer task list Enter new tasks Receive and respond to calls, voicemails, texts, em...
taskset [-p] [ MASK ] [ PID | PROG ARGS ] Set or get CPU affinity -p Operate on an existing PID tee tee [-ai] [ FILE ]... Copy stdin to each FILE , and also to stdout -a Append to the given FILEs, don't overwrite -i Ignore interrupt signals (SIGINT) telnet teln...
-P,--port Port number ftpput ftpput[选项]主机REMOTE_FILE LOCAL_FILE 存储本地文件通过FTP在远程机器上 选项: -v,--verbose Verbose -u,--username Username -p,--password Password -P,--port Port number 熔化炉 熔化炉[选项]文件或端口/原型 发现流程使用文件或港口 选项: -m Find processes which...
An example that highlights the previous arguments concerns the task of evacuating people during the occurrence of major fires in Portugal in 2017 [70,71], and the respective face-to-face thanks of the population within the scope of these operations. Therefore, the military consider social ...