Posted inasset forfeiture,banking panic,choice,crise econômica,financial crisis,individual rights,integrity,kleptocracy,libertarian,militarism,parasitism,peace,political economy and ethical values,prohibition,repeal,replacement curve,Spoiler clout,war,winning TaggedConstitutional law,Dereliction,kleptocracy,nuclear w...
Probing dietary change of the Kwdy Dn Ts'ìnch individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: I. Complementary use of marine lipid biomarker an... Probing dietary change of the Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: complementary use of ...
The point of view which I am struggling to attack is perhaps related to the metaphysical theory of the substantial unity of the soul: for my meaning is, that the poet has, not a “personality” to express, but a particular medium, which is only a medium and not a personality, in which...
Converse, P. E. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.),Ideology and discontent. New York: Free Press. Craney, T. A., & Surles, J. G. (2002). Model-dependent variance inflation factor cutoff values.Quality Engineering,14(3), 391–403. Google Sch...
the mature poet differs from that of the immature one not precisely in any valuation of “personality,” not being necessarily more interesting, or having “more to say,” but rather by being a more finely perfected medium in which special, or very varied, feelings are at liberty to enter...
This transformation had to be personal: the I could become “I–Thou” and insert meaning into existence that was not reducible to the “I-It” sphere. The “I–Thou” was the humanizing element in humanity. A human being cannot exist without an instrumental, utilizing, categorizing, ...
Regarding the role of resilience in the relationship between COVID-19-related subjective stress and mental symptoms, the main effects of resilience provided evidence for a compensatory model, meaning that resilience and burden effects act independently on mental health. Additionally, an interaction ...
The average values of L∞, k, L0, th (age at which the shark transitions between the two growth phases), h, and Lth, were estimated for females, males, and both by adding the products of the original value of the parameter of each candidate model to their respective wi, according to...
Regular, predictable changes operate on a fundamentally similar level as radical or novel changes, with the distinction that for the latter, one or more attributes of change have extreme values and have fallen outside the individual’s ability to respond adaptively. As animals’ responses to ...
Q2: What were participants’ experiences with the commitment and their chosen behavior? Q3: How did participants evaluate the outcomes of the individual commitment directly after a one-week trial run and one month later, and did outcomes differ among the eight behaviors which could have been chose...