Posted inasset forfeiture,banking panic,choice,crise econômica,financial crisis,individual rights,integrity,kleptocracy,libertarian,militarism,parasitism,peace,political economy and ethical values,prohibition,repeal,replacement curve,Spoiler clout,war,winning TaggedConstitutional law,Dereliction,kleptocracy,nuclear w...
Probing dietary change of the Kwdy Dn Ts'ìnch individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: I. Complementary use of marine lipid biomarker an... Probing dietary change of the Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: complementary use of ...
To facilitate interpretation of the interaction effect, simple slope analyses were conducted for low (i.e., 1 SD below the mean), medium and high values (1 SD above the mean) of resilience. These are shown in Figure 1. In particular, the relationship between experienced stress and anxiety ...
For Gandhi, swaraj from British raj was a spiritual renewal. In their ethical-religious orientation, they believed that human beings could be transformed by the spirit. Buber’s dialogical philosophy, in which the individual or collective I is relational, comes close to Gandhi’s satyagraha, ...
The average values of L∞, k, L0, th (age at which the shark transitions between the two growth phases), h, and Lth, were estimated for females, males, and both by adding the products of the original value of the parameter of each candidate model to their respective wi, according to...
We would like to stress that our purpose in presenting this new perspective on the process of change is not to quantify different attributes and assign values to levels of change, but rather to qualify relevant areas of comparison. In doing so, we aim to facilitate multi-disciplinary communicati...
Although the topic of corruption in South Asia has attracted a great deal of attention, extant research on individual-level factors is sparse. With this background, this paper examines the effect of selected individual-level determinants on South Asian p
The loss curves show that the loss values of the four models start off high during training and subsequently oscillate downward as the number of training epochs rises. Faster R-CNN has the slowest convergence pace among them, while the Mask R-CNN network and MCAN decrease faster during the ...
The basic assumption of most ITCD studies is that a treetop is located at a point with maximum radiometric (multispectral imagery) or height (ALS) value and these values decrease toward the crown boundary (e.g., [5,17,18]). Many algorithms, such as marker-controlled watershed segmentation ...