Posted inasset forfeiture,banking panic,choice,crise econômica,financial crisis,individual rights,integrity,kleptocracy,libertarian,militarism,parasitism,peace,political economy and ethical values,prohibition,repeal,replacement curve,Spoiler clout,war,winning TaggedConstitutional law,Dereliction,kleptocracy,nuclear w...
Probing dietary change of the Kwdy Dn Ts'ìnch individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: I. Complementary use of marine lipid biomarker an... Probing dietary change of the Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi individual, an ancient glacier body from British Columbia: complementary use of ...
For Gandhi, swaraj from British raj was a spiritual renewal. In their ethical-religious orientation, they believed that human beings could be transformed by the spirit. Buber’s dialogical philosophy, in which the individual or collective I is relational, comes close to Gandhi’s satyagraha, ...
Although there is still conceptual diversity regarding the definition of resilience [15], regardless of the theoretical discussion, it is crucial to improve the factors in HCW that help them adapt positively to adversity and lead to positive outcomes. Resilience training focusing on personal competence...
The average values of L∞, k, L0, th (age at which the shark transitions between the two growth phases), h, and Lth, were estimated for females, males, and both by adding the products of the original value of the parameter of each candidate model to their respective wi, according to...
From our definition as stated above, it logically follows that the temporal boundary has to be the individual’s lifetime—if an individual’s surroundings have not changed from a previous situation within that individual’s life, from their perspective, nothing has changed. Similarly, the spatial...
the chosen behaviors were carried out for approximately ten days. In a British study, however, it took individuals about 66 days to carry out their new behavior as an automatic action [68]. A longer duration of the commitment period was also requested by 60 percent of the participants, and...
Although the topic of corruption in South Asia has attracted a great deal of attention, extant research on individual-level factors is sparse. With this background, this paper examines the effect of selected individual-level determinants on South Asian p
The focus of these debates was in fact framed by Sir William Blackstone's famous reflections in the mid-18th century on the dangers of ―undue influence‖ to the very ―principles of liberty‖ that underlay the meaning of consent and voting. Since social pressures, and dependence, could under...