Saji NH, Ambrizzi T, Ferraz SET (2005) Indian Ocean Dipole mode events and austral surface air temperature anomalies. Dyn Atmos Oceans 39:87–101Saji, NH, Ambrizzi, T, Ferraz, SET (2005) Indian Ocean Dipole mode events and austral surface air temperature anomalies. Dyn Atmos Ocean 39: ...
was found between sea level and the Dipole Mode Index throughout the Maldives (Fig.2D-F). However, while a positive event brings anomalously heavy rain to the Western Indian Ocean43, no significant (North: P > 0.05, South: P > 0.05) relationship was found between rainfall and th...
The indices used to represent the variability of ENSO, and that of IOD are, respectively, the NINO3 index1 and the Indian Ocean Dipole Model index2 (IODMI). We calculate the IO zonal wind anomaly (IOZWA; e.g., Ashok et al., 2003) by the area-averaged equatorial zonal wind anomalies...
. The Dipole Mode Index (DMI), the SST index of eastern pole of the Indian Ocean (EIOD), the SST index of western pole of the Indian Ocean (WIOD), and Nino3.4 SST index (Nino3.4) in SON are selected as the predictands. Fig. 2: Correlation skills of the Indian Ocean Dipole ...
In this study, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) predictability, measured by the Indian Dipole Mode Index (DMI), is comprehensively examined at the seasonal time scale, including its actual prediction skill and potential predictability, using the ENSEMBLES multiple model ensembles and the recently develop...
This study links the east African October-December (OND) rainfall, Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Mascarene High (MH).Correlation analysis is applied to quantify the relationship between the index of IOD (Dipole Mode Index (DMI)) and OND rainfall. Results show that there exists a significant ...
2.2.2 The Dipole Mode Index [15] IOD activity is conventionally described by the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) [Saji et al., 1999]. The DMI is defined as the difference between SST anomalies over the western Indian Ocean, 50°E– 70°E and 10°S– 10°N, and the eastern Indian Ocean, ...
The tropical Indian Ocean dipole/zonal mode (IOD) is phase locked with the austral winter and spring seasons. This study describes three types of the IOD in terms of their peak time and duration. In particular, the authors focus on a new type that develops in May-June and matures in July...
With the increased interest in studying the sea surface salinity anomaly (SSSA) of the tropical Indian Ocean during the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), an index describing the dipole variability of the SSSA has been pursued recently. In this study, we first use a regional ocean model with a hig...
Over the course of the twenty-first century, robust changes include: enhanced IOD SST variability (as measured by the first principal component of spring SST variability, not the dipole mode index); an increase in strong rainfall pIOD events; an increase and decrease in the frequency of strong...